This is my opinion and I cba explaining the signs so I'm just gonna start. Also I'm not trying to disrespect your opinion. I'm sorry if you like the ship. I made this a long time ago.
♈ Aries: Tojoshi
♉ Taurus: Kamanami
♊ Gemini: Rantenko
♋ cancer: Ishimukuro
♌ Leo: Kirizono
♍ Virgo: Hinamiki
♎ libra: Harukiyo
♏ Scorpio: Naegami (not the worst)
♐ Sagittarius: Tanevermind (Neither's this I just think it's a little too canon)
♑ Capricorn: Irumatsu (this isn't a bad ship I just can't imagine it)
♒ Aquarius: Hinabuki
♓ Pisces: Miotsum (I'm not personally a fan but hey some people are)