Chapter 1: lost again

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Ever since March 8th, I've felt so alone. March 8th was the worst day of my life. It was the day my two brothers, Adam and Tyler disappeared. They were and will always be my best friends. I have lived with them since I was ten years old. I'm currently fifteen and about to be sixteen, considering the fact my birthday is tomorrow. It will be lonely I know, because I live by myself and have for the past six months. My parents used to live with us, but they died in a car crash six years ago. My dad and I were really close, but me and my mom always got into arguments, but we still loved each other no matter what. I wished they were still here since my brothers were gone, but one I hope I will find my brothers dead or alive. Hopefully alive, but I just want to see them. I always would ask the police if they thought that my brothers were still alive, but they always answered "maybe" in an I don't care tone. The police never really investigated how, when, and why my brothers disappeared. So of course I thought it was time to take matters into my own hands. So I called Adam's ex girlfriend, Alissa and asked her if her and Adam broke up before he disappeared. She said "yes and he broke up with me", I said "oh". She said "oh it's fine, i never really liked him anyway. I immediately hung up and thought "she was never good enough for him", I also added "I thought he broke up with her and she really liked him a lot and she could of hurt him if he really broke her heart, but I guess not. The next morning, I woke up and had a text on my phone that read "happy birthday kiddo, we love you", I responded quickly "who is this?", and about an hour later I got a text from the same number and it said " see you soon Coon. My heart immediately sank, because Only my brothers called me coon. They made up that nickname for me when I was a year old, because I would always chew on things and make messes just like a coon would. It had to be my brothers and plus it's my birthday. Well it might not be them unless someone is playing some psychotic joke on me. I hope that's not the case because that one little text message gave me hope I haven't had in the past six months. It gave me hope that everything would be ok for once in my life. Oh! Shoot I forgot I have school , so I quickly put on some clothes and headed out the door. I then noticed something in the driveway and I thought "it can't be", but it sure enough was. It was a red Camaro, I have wanted one since I was six years old. Out of all people, who would buy this for me, and then I noticed there was a note that said "dreams do come true for you coon", I chuckled and remembered how corny my brothers were. So then I hopped in and was on my way to driving to school, but then it hit me : I don't even have a license. So I parked the car in the driveway and I couldn't catch the bus it was too late , so I ran to school. So after school was over I went and took my drivers test and thank God I passed. After, I walked home, and when I got their it finally hit me I was the big sixteen! It was kinda sad though, I had no-one, and I didn't even get a cake, but I mean it could be worse. I still wandered about the the note so the next day, I gave the police the number that texted me and they traced the number. The trace came back to my house. After, I left the police station I went to school and I'm currently in second period, and this really cute boy keeps on staring at me. I thought I probably looked uglier than usual so why else would he look at me. After class I dropped my books to make it look like it was an accused when it really wasn't and sure enough he helped me pick them up. I responded "thanks", and he added "your Claire right?", I said "umm yeah , how did you know?". He said "how could I not know the prettiest girl in second period's name?", I responded "your not so bad yourself mister", we both chuckled. Of course then he popped the question "umm would u go on a date with me?", I said " YES", and then added "umm yeah sure I guess", and we both started laughing. Afterwards, we walked each other to third period and said our goodbyes. When school was out I saw the cute boy again and asked him what his name was and he said "Chad", and it defiantly suits him. For our date, we decided to meet on Friday at the old southern diner and he said he would pick me up. I was very obliged, and on my way home from school I suddenly had a feeling everything was ok! When I i got home, I remembered the police the number to my house, and I thought oh no what if they are still in my house. "Was I going to die?" , I thought , and then I added "no I'm probably just being dramatic". I began to cry and then I cried myself all the way to sleep because of how scared I was. I wondered if I was going to disappear next or if maybe my brothers had finally can home. I also thought about if all was going to be ok, but I'm just making myself more scared by thinking about it, and as I lost thought I got a phone call. The caller identification said "Tyler", so I quickly answered and said "look, whoever you are this little joke isn't very funny so please stop". A mans voice began to speak , but it was t Tyler , it was Adam and spoke "little sis, this isn't a joke, but we love and miss you, and we need your help. I responded "what
happened ?",where are you and Tyler?", and he added " I don't have enough time to explain, just call the police and tell them to come to..". "Come to where?", I said and then I realized the phone call ended. I tried calling back several times, but of course no answer. I was really sad and on the verge of crying again, but I told myself to have hope. So I had hope, hope to find them, hope to save them, and have hope our family would be put back together again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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