For my lover,
I wish you could know how much pain I am in everyday. I wish you could feel my heart wrenching out of my chest everytime I see you with that other girl. And the thoughts in my brain questioning,"does he even love me? notice me? or care if I exist?" seeping through my soul. Knowing that there was a time when he once loved me as much as he loves her. I could smile in your face and act like everything is fine when I'm boiling like the fires of hell ignited my body. The part that overcomes me to ask you about her or our situation is the fact that you dislike me, hate me, despise me and my presence. I wish I could hug you and tell you how much I still love you, like the old days. People ask about you all the time and my first response wants to be," why should I know where he is? or who he hangout out with?" But that's me putting out an image that can push away any tears I cry over you now.
I wish I could hold, lay & soothe your warm body again- lust
The Journal Entry's
Short StoryA series of events & stories building a persons lifes