Chapter 1

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It was wet and cold out that day. But, he needed to clear his mind from what happened. As he took a drag from his cigarette a bit of the smoke hit his eyek and stung it. He didn't flinch, his eyes were already stinging from the tears he shed, he closed his eye as a response to the attack. As he sighed he looked up to figure out what went wrong in the relationship. He had given her all he could for someone so poor, he had just gotten a job or he'd have given her more, just like she did for him. Maybe that was the reason she left.

It didn't matter to him, he was used to it at this point. They always left for a stupid reason. He threw down his half smoked cigarette, smashing it down with his foot and rubbing it out before walking home. Home. It doesn't even feel like home to him, not with an abusive roommate that makes him feel stupid and useless every time he opened his mouth. Its gotten to the point where he doesn't bother talking unless he's forced to. He hoped she was out with friends or something, maybe he'd get some peace and quiet. Though, him not caring about the break up didn't change the fact that it hurt.

It took him about 20 minutes to arrive, as he opened the door their dog started barking happily. The dog loved him to bits, it was him who saved him from the streets, but his roommate claims it's her dog, because she fed and took him to the vet. Which he thought was unfair since he was 14 when he rescued the dog. Of course he couldn't pay for his food or vet bills, he was too young to get a job, and by the time he got one it was years later, and she had claimed him. As he stepped in, he rubbed his wet muddy shoes on the entry rug, slightly glaring at the dog in annoyance. "Shut up." He mumbled as he knelt down and scratched the dog's head, "You're annoying. You bark too much." He kissed the top of the dog's head before getting up and going to the family room where they kept the dog treats. He grabbed a bag and scoured through it for a big piece, his roommate always breaks them up afraid he'd choke on one, but he knew that wasn't gonna happen. He's watched the dog nibble on it slowly multiple times.

After finding a big piece, he lowered his hand to the dog. His glare eased when he saw the dog's broken tail wag happily as he jumped up for it. Clamping down on it before running off to munch on his treat. "That'll shut you up for a bit." He followed the dog and collapsed on a nearby couch, pulling out his phone to look at it. Messages from his ex filled his phone, filled with her regret of dumping him. It hurt too much. He hated being a regret, she wasn't the first to dump him and regret it. He ignored her messages. He looked over his profile on FanHook, checked his notifications, his news feed for videos to watch, then moved on to his friend requests. "Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny. De..." He paused for a second staring at the profile that tried to add him. He was sure she left him a message a couple weeks back that he ignored. "Accept."

After denying a bunch and accepting few, he decided to shoot a few messages to his friends updating them on what had gone down. All shocked that they broke up. All saying they thought she was the one. Even her own friends were shocked that she dumped him. Maybe that's why she felt regret. Her best friend and brother thought he was perfect for her as well. He shook his head, no response from any of them. He sighed heavily before getting up and going to his room. Right as he shut the door behind him, he could hear the front door open, his roommate walked in singing at the top of her lungs. Like always. It's like she enjoys hearing herself. He grabbed the ear plugs that sat on his dresser and pushed them into his ears before undressing down to his underwear and jumping into bed. He closed his eyes, letting the sleepiness from crying consume him and lull him into sleep.

By the time he woke up, the house was dark. His roommate was brushing her teeth, getting ready for bed. He looked at the time, 12:14am. He grabbed his phone once more, a message from the girl he added, Jade. Nobody else messaged him, just her. He opened up to see what she said. She seemed upset, he doubt that her reason was any worse than his. He decided to shoot her a message. "'What's up?'" he stared at the inbox for a minute, waiting patiently for her to respond. Not like anyone else was paying attention to him and he was wide awake. His roommate at this point was in bed. A typing bubble appeared for a second, then a message.

"'I've been trying to talk to you. If you don't wanna talk just let me know.'" He was confused. They've talked a few times but, not enough to notice or impact anything. He started typing, "'If you want to talk. We can. I'm just distant right now.'"


"'Got dumped. Not news. Happens to everyone but the pain is still real.'"

"'I don't want to force you to talk to me. So if you're not interested tell me now.'"

"'It's my choice to talk. Just like it is right now. So let's talk.'" As he hit send he got out of bed and threw on some pants and a shirt, heading to the kitchen to cook up something. He could see his dog laying on the couch. Beady eyes watching his every move. He opened the fridge and pulled out some leftovers. Popping them into the microwave. As it cooked, he looked at his phone to see her reply.

"'Ok. If you're serious, I'll trust you to talk to me.'"

"'Yeah. We can hang out tomorrow if you want. Just let me know.'"

"'How does 1 or 2 sound?'"

"'Sounds perfect. See you then.'" Frey slid his phone into his pocket. Taking his food out of the microwave and grabbing some silverware before settling down at the table. Flipping on the TV to watch as he ate. Feeling a little better about getting some contact after the break up. He looked at the dog who started staring at his food. "Looks like I have a new friend. You think she's gonna like me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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