Let You Go

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(A/N): The italicized parts are flashbacks from when they were a band.


Lauren's POV:

"Seven sounds great Dinah, thanks for reaching out to me. It will be great to see you all again." Except for Camila of course.

"Alright, thanks again, see you tonight." I let Dinah say goodbye before hanging up. I went to my closet to try to find something to wear for tonight's dinner, nervous would be an understatement because I was freaking out about seeing the rest of the band that once was touring the world and selling out shows.

I'm not sure if it was the fact that I haven't seen the whole band in four years or one specific girl that I'm still in love with and confessed that love to her when we were touring. Even though it was years ago, it still feels like it was just a couple days ago.


I was pacing back and forth trying to figure out a way to approach Camila without worrying her. I wasn't about to push her away when we have been getting really close again because all she does is hang out with Austin. I decided to just be upfront about it and get it over with. "Hey Camila"

She opened up her bunk curtain with bloodshot eyes as if she was just crying. "Are you okay?" She gave a small smile, she must of noticed I was waiting for an answer because she apologized for not saying anything. "Anyways, I was wondering if we could go in the park and talk?" She closed the curtain immediately. I started to walk away with my head low with the feeling of being rejected.

"Lauren! Hey, wait up"

I turned around to see Camila with my sweatshirt I gave her, sweatpants and some boots on. "I thought you slamming the curtain in my face was your way of saying no." I said to her with a sad voice. "Sorry I was just excited to finally leave the bus, I guess I forgot to tell you yes. That's if you want to still go." I don't think she even realizes how happy I am to hear that. So of course my answer was yes, "Yeah lets get out of here."

She grabbed my hand and lead me out of the bus door to the nearest park we could find. I don't think she meant holding my hand more than in a friendly way, but to me, I swear I could feel tingles run up my arm. I turned my head towards her and smiled, she didn't notice I was looking at her because she kept rambling on about meeting One Direction. She had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen and could bring anyone out of a bad mood, I just wish she would realize that.

"Let's go sit on the swings okay?" She said, taking me out of my thoughts that were being consumed by her like most days.

I nodded my head and started towards the swings. I sat down hoping she would see that I was serious about talking to her tonight, but as soon as I got on the swing she asked me to push her.

"Camila can we talk, please?"

She nodded her head and stopped swinging. "Lauren are you breaking up with me?" She asked playfully, her eyes sparkled and at the moment I wished I had a camera to capture that moment to keep forever. "I was kidding Lauren tell me what's up because now I'm starting to get nervous."

She once again snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked at her to make sure she knew I was being serious about this. Finally, she looked like she was ready to really hear what I had to say. My eyes found hers and took in the beauty in front of me, hopefully not for the last time because what I was about to say could change that forever. I took a deep breath before I started to speak to her. "Camila lately I have had these feelings towards you and they keep getting stronger each day."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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