saturn , the light

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Open Your Eyes

































Since the dawn of time, man and woman have bowed down to roalty .Allways beliving in what they have decided and said. No one ever questioned them because of their absolute power. Until one woman decided they should bow down to their subjects instead. She creaed a race of superhumans called Wielders. A human with the abiliy to control either of the four elements. Fire , Earth, Water , and Air. Once the royals found out they were being rebeled against, they immeadilty captured all of the wielders and executed them . Only a few magaed to escape from death, only to take refuge in a old abandoned town. And soon after they escaped, two wielders had a baby girl with both of her parents powers. Water and Fire.


Chapter one: Saturn.

The day started like any other day for me. showering , dressing, and then walking out of the hut to find food for dinner. I walked out of the hut and to town centre. Other wielders huddled around the map of the crosses castle- a dirt drawing-. It never really made any sense to me . The royals didnt do anything apart from killing thousands of innocent Wielders. but that was seventeen years ago and ever since then, weve been stuck here. In this abandonded village left by the royals first settelers. It wasnt much to look at , just dead trees and small stick huts. What would anyone expect in the early times of earth evolution?.

Avioding my Father, I made my way through the town to the forest to hunt for food. In my village, im the only one with two elements. water and fire. The tall , thin ,pine trees allways make good spotting trees. Walking over to the tallest one i could find, I summound my power of water to boost myself up the tree. The wind smelled like freedom, and it hit my face hard like a rock. I allways loved flying, feeling as if I was a bird. Reaching the top of the tall pine tree,I sat on the highest branch. I stared at the blue sky and saw a flicker of light in the corner of my eye. The burst of light reminded me of the most terrifiing time of my life, my Mothers death.

It was the night before my 14th birthday, the night was cold and peacefull. Fresh deer meat and rabbit was set out on a party table made from a old log. The fire behind the whole place lit up before my forever seing eyes.My mother walked me to the log for the whole village to celebrate my birthday. The dirt danced between my feet as i walked to the log with my mothers warmth flowing through my body. I felt as if this day was going to stay with me forever, I had no clue that i was soo right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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