Chapter 1

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Deep wine coloured eyes soften down at the little girl nestled in her bed, adoration and fondness swimming brightly with the crimson specks. Foreign yet welcoming, Kaname embraced the feeling that this girl offers to him. He wonders about the emotions, surprised by its intensity, even now these feeling surges inside him like water being continuously poured into a jug. His finely sculpted pale rosy lip curled into a small perfect arch as his slender fingers nimbly brush away a few strands of her chocolate coloured fringes, a few shades lighter and brighter than his own hair. He let his deadly pale digits ghosted over her forehead down to her closed lids, trickles by the soft curls of her long and dark, thick lashes. His lip quirked higher at the wriggle of her small nose and the way it scrunches up, along with the furrowing of her neat thin brows.

Kaname relents in his ghost touches, and simply content himself with watching her drift off into a peaceful sleep again. His little sister, Yuuki, was a ball of sunshine, passionate and resilient. While the little girl was kind and gentle, their mother's stubbornness didn't fail to imprint in her. It shows in how she refuses to let him out of her sight, like now, even when she was asleep. She had pouted adorably and clenched his sleeve tightly with her fists, expressing how she suffers from the lack of his presence by her side.

Just thinking about it, make Kaname stifled his laughs. His Yuuki could be dramatic sometimes despite her timid side. Tucking a stray strand of light wavy hair behind his right ear, he leans down and presses a gentle kiss onto her forehead before gracefully slide himself off the bed swiftly. He picks up the storybook that he had read to the girl up from the table by the bed and place it back to where it belongs in the shelf. Glancing at the sleeping girl one last time, Kaname smile at the curl up of her plump rosy lip before exiting the room, closing the finely made door behind him.

He glanced into the dark corridor, reddish brown eyes glow in the dim light as he watches two silhouettes heading toward him. "Mother, Father" He greeted the two ethereal beings with a small incline of his head, staring at the woman whom Yuuki took after the most and the man who Kaname was almost a carbon copy of, with a few differences.

"Son" His father's gentle and kind eyes, wine orbs a shade browner than Kaname's, crinkled with love as he eyed the young boy. "Already leaving?"

"Yes" Kaname smile, "Yuuki has already fallen asleep"

The two men glanced to the side, watching with amusement and fondness as their matriarch slowly open the double door and peek inside with the same doe eyes that her daughter had got from, the colour much like her husband's.

"Juuri, its fine to go in" Her husband eyed her with twinkling eyes.

The youthful woman glanced back and pouted at him, her rosy cheeks puff out much like how Yuuki had done to Kaname, "But I'm worried that I will wake her up, Haruka"

"Years of parenting still make you insecure" Sighed Haruka, his tranquillity reek of teasing.

Juuri huffed and glare at his cheekiness, before promptly enter the room, her curly bright reddish brown hair billowing behind. Haruka shook his head at his wife's adorable childishness with a loving smile of his finely shaped lip, short straight dark brown hair fluttering around seemingly with grace. "Sometimes, your mother is such a child"

The young boy agreed with his father, "Yet, you love that side of her"

Haruka turns to him, his gaze brimming with loves for the woman, "You're right". Stepping closer to his son, the youthful man places his large hand on the boy's head, gently ruffling the long wavy strands. "Thank you for taking care of Yuuki for us, Kaname. She had been missing you greatly recently"

Kaname dipped his head down with softened eyes, subconsciously leaning into his father's hand. The reason for Yuuki's sulking around would be his leave for education and social gathering which consist mostly of play dates with other nobles' children.

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