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    It was the day before school started, I walked into my room getting my outfit picked out for tomorrow. My younger sister walked in trying to hand me a note.
     "What do you want?" I asked.
    "I just wanted to give you this," Charlie said.
    "Get out!" I yelled, not realizing I actually yelled at Charlie.
    Charlie ran out of my room, probably crying.
    I walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw Charlie.
    "Hey..." I began to say as she started to walk off. "I'm s-," I got cut off by Charlie say she didn't care.
    I got mad and said, "Fine! I wasn't actually sorry anyway."
    Charlie runs off crying running outside passing mom and dad making out on the porch.
    I saw mom jump off of dad real quick and I tried to make it up the stares but my two-year old brother was standing in my way. I nearly knocked him down when my older brother caught him.
    I made it up the stairs just by an inch and mom thought that Charlie just found out about me and her boyfriend.
    Yes a couple weeks ago I did fuck Charlie's boyfriend and my mom found out but we made a deal not to tell Charlie. I haven't seen Charlie and Chad hang out since then.
    Turns out that Charlie did find out and never told Mom and I until after supper.
Hey this is the author sorry for the short chapter. It's only my first book. As I do more they will eventually get longer.
    Thanks for reading hope you enjoy!
                                        the author

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