Part two

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When I went upstairs I was very anxious because my dad never makes me wait for my punishment, he normaly gives it to me right away. But what I did was a little worse than normal, so I really dont know what to expect. In the basement I could faintly make out Josh yelling at my dad about me. Of Course he was. He was making the story all exagerated and making it "All my fault."

I finally hear my dads heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and I started to freak out. Something bad is about to happen.

"Moon, we need to talk" my dad said to me. "This is gotten way out of hand. I know you cant control it but I think its about time we do somthing about it." I froze. He better not be sending me to anger manegment classes. The people there freak me out, he knows that. "Last week I called Cyrans Bording school and they said they would be happy for you to go. You will be leaving next monday."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Cyrans Bording school is a school for people with issues (ex: anger, stress... stuff like that). And im leaving on monday! What the crap is my up with my dad?!? He is never like this.

"Dad what the crap are you talking about? You cant just send me away to some school just because I broke someones nose. I cant beleive your doing this to me!" My voice started slowly getting louder as I started getting to the end of my sentence. I am so pissed off that its not even funny, so I had to get away from my dad for a while.

I ran up to my room as fast as I could, of course with my dad running after me, but I ignored him because I just dont want to talk to him right now. When I got to my room I locked the door and walked over to my piano. It was a gift from my dad for my 16th birthday. The piano is the only thing that calms me down after I get upset, so im just really happy to have it right now.

I let my mind wander as I played, helping me calm myself down. After about a hour of playing I was finally calm, so I just layed down on my bed and started staring at the wall thinking about Cyrans school and Dad and Josh and a whole lot of other things. My eyes eventually started to droop and I fell asleep peacefully, snuggling up imto my covers.

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