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Titles for consideration:


Bits of Magic


Magic Happens


Shimmers of Charms


Finnegan’s Charms


Tell me which of these you like.


Really, I can take a review, but I need for you to not give only general remarks, because that makes it almost impossible for me to interrupt and therefore improve my story or as a writer. 

Ribbons of pastels crisscrossed the raw, risen bread. Blue, yellow, pink, orange and green beads of candy balls left melted streaks. Very nice, Kara thought. It was a new recipe. What was once her mother's Bara Brith Bread was now her own-- Fairy Bread. The oven was at the right temperature and she spoke a small prayer," Blessed be the Earth, Sun, Wind, and Rain. Blessed be the hands that helped to make this food," as she placed the dough inside. Just for a moment she was distracted from her thoughts as a sack of flour spilled and made a cloud of white and a downpour of dust on her once tidy kitchen. She huffed an f sound but didn't complete the word, as she placed the dough in the oven.


She scooped the flour up, but didn't toss it out because her teaching would not allow her to do so. Waste not, came the voice of her grandmother. She did as her grandmother would have wanted her to, dead or not. The flour went into a bowl with odds and ends, apple cores, carrot peels, stale oatmeal, sunflower seeds and a goodly amount of acorns. The wet ingredients were added and mixed. All the while Kara hummed and sang intermittently a soft gentle song in an old tongue,"Shule, shule, shule aroon.Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn, .


"This will make a fine treat for the raccoons, squirrels and ravens that visit my garden."


She formed the creature-treats into balls and placed them on her mother's cookie tray. The scent of sweet bread surrounded Kara and told her it was almost done. A quick wash and dry of hands, and she would be able to pull out her new creation. The Full Moon Diner would want the new bread, along the wild blackberry muffins she baked early, but first the best part-- the tasting.


The bread was of good weight and a lovely honey color. It would have to sit for an hour or so to cool before she dared to slice into it and partake of the magic within. In that hour, she could craft a couple of wire rings. The process of creating, the combining of stones and or glass, weaving the wire round and round, satisfied her. Somewhere, someone waited for her ring. Things had a way of finding where they belonged.


She put the kettle on the stove to boil water for tea; as she passed by she tapped the fairy bread. It made a satisfying thunk. Before the knife sliced it Kara said, "Thank you for that which is given." She took a liberal piece. "What we chiefly need is butter."


As she fetched the butter, the cup that was on the table hit the floor and broke. "No." She let out a quick shriek of surprise. On the table were animals. They were fluffy with long bodies and necks, short legs and tails. The creatures' eyes matched their different crayon colors. They all pink noses and small ears that added to their cuteness. The blue one considered her for a moment, before it then hopped to the chair and then down onto the floor. A pink and one white wrestled on the table top, while the green nibbled on the bread. An orange chased a yellow in and out of the table's legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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