Duke Collerman
And the return of
Blazer Bokman
Welcome to the newest of the high-tech, secret agent improvement and greatest idea ever to have been had, the A.S.A.E.A.C.U short for animal secret agency and evil animal capture unit. Not very short though. The most honored and intelligent agent, Duke Collerman, his ‘deputy’ is Chameleofish (who is a fish so he stays in a mecha-suit that allows him to move out the water.)
Every animal has a translator so they can be understood. Chameleofish is very worried as is the rest of the unit as their worst enemy, Blazer Bokman, a former agent that went corrupt, has recently escaped from captivity and now the unit is in a state. The only hope is Duke, who is not even trained in any form. They have their doubts about him but, they send him off anyway. Obviously this made him very scared. He was accompanied by chameleofish, together they set off to find their enemy.
They were readily armed with knock out rays and grappling hooks. The works of weapons.
Chapter: 2 Bokman’s lair
In bokman’s lair he hatches a devious plan.
He has created a mass swarm of creatures called kartas. They each possess a unique yet deadly power. They also go through stages to gain the ultimate form of their powers. Having created a mass swarm of them he has need to place them so he can be arrested making them go off their guard so he can truly release the Kartas. He decided he decided that hiding sets of armor would do, as well as a suit for himself, so he can set himself free after he releases his so called ‘beauties’. His suit will allow him to be covered in them while not being affected by their powers. “Aha I have done it Bingo” (Bingo is his ill named pet that he sees but nobody else does). “I think they will be a very well known villain in that circle of kittens! Now they shall see my true potential and power and they will cower in fear before me!”. He laughed wickedly before a fit of coughing.
Chapter:3 The Hunt:
Poor Duke was so scared. He, an in-expierienced young dog who had no training was now suddenly sent off to try and capture humanities’ worst villain in history, and his sidekick, you know the ones that everyone wants to have. The one that is big, strong, intelligent and very brave, well all Duke was is a little seahorse-like fish that is part chameleon, part seahorse, who was less trained than him, and all he had as a positive side is that he was very eager. The thought of this just made him ever more upset.
It took many days of peril filled trauma to reach the secret location of the enemy. They entered with the most extreme caution; the whole place was so obviously riddled with traps but, oddly enough, they hit none. This made Duke very confused and worried.
Duke Collerman and the Return of Blazer Bokman
Short StoryDuke Collerman is a new and elite member of an organization of trained animal agents...