How is starts

23 1 1

As the car started to roll down the long driveway that led away from the huge house, I stared out of my window watching the explicit gardens float by the window. They looked bare due to the unforgiving winter that had just begun.

It was ironic as to the weather matching how I felt at this moment, cold... dark... unpredictable...

I was getting use to these feelings, as this sort of feeling often came to me, every time I would be sent away to the next family willing to put up with me for the next few months. With this past family, I had set a new record for myself, one month and two days, my new personal best for getting out of that neurotic household. It was a good thing too, they kept trying to get me to cut my hair and dress me in a particular way.

What was wrong with them! Just because they don't agree that a 17 year old guy shouldn't be wearing skinny jeans and having long, dark hair doesn't mean that they must change who I am! Although, it was a bit unnesicary for me to punch Mrs. Banks in the stomach when she tried to cut my hair while I was sleeping.

We had been driving for about two hours when we pulled into a driveway of a house that was surrounded by a HUGE three and a half meter high brick walls being guarded by the ever alert electric fences.

I could hear the driver talking to someone on the other side of the intercom, I assumed that this person was to be the person whom would be looking after me for how ever long they could put up with me.

As we drove through the gate, and approached the house that wasn't too small, but not too big either. The outside was completely brick which was a lightish brown and it had a dark brown roof. There was a nice front lawn with a few flower beds, which also looked a bit bare. I was spurised to find that they only had one gardener, but that's probably due to the fact that for the past year I have lived with several families who have had servants that would cater to your every whim.

As the car pulled to a stop, I noticed a woman with long brown hair and from what I could see was blue eyes standing on the small porch that jotted out just where the front door opened. She wasn't a very tall woman and she looked as if she was in her early thirties.

Opening the door, I climbed out of the car and took by bags out of the boot. I walked to the bottom of the porch and looked up at the woman dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black top that had the words "guess" written in white. I dropped my bags as she walked down the steps towards me smiling. As she was walking, she introduced herself, " Hi, I'm Erin!" I moved my hair out of my face revealing the eye that had been hiding behind my long, ink black fringe. I then extended my hand introducing myself " Hey, I'm Josh" after shaking hands, Erin quickly picked up my biggest bag and luged it up the stairs with some difficulty. I offered to help her, but she quickly replied saying, " It's all good! I can do with the exercise!" After chuckling at her statement, I picked up my last two, much smaller bags, and followed Erin up the stairs and through the front door.

As we walked through the door, Erin led me up the stairs to a room that she said would be 'mine'. I have learned to not get excited by that statement anymore because just as I would just started to get use to the idea of having my own space, I would have to pack up and move out.

The room that I was staying in was a nice size. It had a big closet, a huge bed, light grey walls with black curtains that covered two windows that I estemated them to be about a meter long and a meter high.

Erin swung my bag onto the bed explaining that dinner would be ready in about two hours, and that her husband should be home soon, and that he should have been here, but he was called to work urgently. She then continued and said that I could unpack and make myself at home. Again, taking that statement very lightly.

With a smile on her face, she then added," If you need anything else, I'll be in the kitchen." I then nodded and gave her a fake smile as she left the room, closing the door behind herself.

I quickly unpacked all my things placing them into the closet very roughly. After I had finished, I jumped onto the bed, kicked off my shoes making myself comfortable and put my earphones in listening to music for what I guessed was a half an hour or so.

I picked up my iPod checking the time and decided that it was about time that I should head down stairs. As I opened the door, I faintly heard the sound of the front door closing. I realized that it was Erin's husband that had returned and what seemed like he was in a very bad mood.

As I walked down the stairs, I smelt something that made me stop momentarily to take in what had just hit me. The only time that I can remember smelling something this good was when I had spent Christmas at one of the homes I had stayed in a few years ago.

As I finally got to the bottom of the stairs, a man that seemed about my height walked out of the kitchen. He was saying something to Erin about what I could make out was something about some idiot that trashed the studio. I finally got to the bottom of the staircase, the man walked towards me," Hey, I'm Seun, and you must be Josh?" "Yeah, I'm Josh" I said looking down and chuckling to myself. After shaking his hand, Erin appeared ,"Ahh, I see you too have met, well, it's time for dinner, so you two can chat more later" she said while walking back to the kitchen.

During dinner, Erin and Sean were chatting and ocasionaly asking me a question or two, when the topic of the conversation suddenly became Seun's work, he was a sound engineer and had worked with some of my favorite bands.

My head quickly shot up when he mentioned that he was recording the latest All Time Low album. "Like them do you?" Seun asked, " LIKE THEM, I LOVE THEM!" I responded with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Well, how would you like to meet them?" As I took a sip of water from my glass, I suddenly started choking as he said those words,"I think you can start school next week scenes that tomorrow's Thursday, and it seems a bit pointless to me that you have two days left in the week to get into things."

Coming back to reality, I nodded my head in what seemed like shock,"Really? I would get to meet them!" "Yeah, I don't see why not, we're finishing the last track tomorrow and they will be flying back to London on monday"

Thanking him profusely, I realized something that I haven't felt in a while, it was a feeling of such happiness that I couldn't stop smiling.


Hey guys, sorry about the chapter being so short, really couldn't think of anything else to write about. The next chapter will be longer :)

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