Chapter 1 - The meeting

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You went to the local library to find some info from Bio books for the exams that you had to study for. You have been there for around five hours and you decided to go back home and revise for the morning math test.   High school's Maths aren't easy and sometimes they are too complicated, but you were sure you'll do good, because you always were a clever student. You went out of the library, carrying books, papers, your laptop and some other stuff. You 'be been walking a bit and suddenly it started to rain. You runned a bit, just to find a place to 'hide' until the rain stops. But suddenly someone knocked on you and your stuff felt off. You leaned to collect your stuff and a boy gave you some of the books that felt. You got them and then looked at his face. He was handsome, with a pure face, nice cheeks and... dimples! He also had blonde hair. He was literally like an angel.
-You should excuse for that,he said.
-For what? you responded.
-For not looking at the way you're passing by.
-Ahh,.. you said. But you were the one that made my stuff fall off!You could easily avoid me!
-Well... As I see we are both guilty for it, he said and smiled a bit.
When you saw that, you felt your heart fluttering.
Then, he gave his hand to you for a handshake.
-I'm Chan, he said.
-I'm So-Yun.
-Wow, I love your name.It sounds like a beautiful flower:)
*cheesy pick-up line but okay heheh *
-Thank you, Chan. Well I have to go now...
-Oh yes, I just did forgot that I have to deliver tteokboki to the next road,he said and continued walking.
(Chan had a part-time job as a fast-food deliver.)
When you came back home, you and your stuff were very wet. You showered a bit and then went to study.

*time skip*

You closed your Math book and decided to have a second shower, to relax after that tiring day. After the (second) shower, you layed at your bed and listened to music. All the nighttime since then, the only thing you were thinking was Chan and his beautiful dimples. Deep inside you, you were wishing to meet him again and then you felt asleep (two hours before the alarm was about to wake you up).

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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