Chapter One

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Starla entered her homeroom for the last week of school. She was surprised at how exhausted she was, as if she'd fought a demon instead of gone to ninth grade with mortals for a year. She sat down with a relieved gasp.

"You sound exhausted," said Gina Peterson from next to her. She'd made friends with her on the first day of school.

"I am," Starla admitted. "When school is over, I'm going to take a VERY long nap." Preferably at my grandparents.

Gina laughed. "Me too."

"Settle down!" Mr. Droon called from his desk. The voices died down as he began to call role. "Anderson, Michael."


Starla joined her cousin and her friends for lunch. Gina and her boyfriend, Oswald Rick, sat with them as well.

"Hey, you guys," said Alyssa Carter.

"Hey, lovebirds," Trina Reeds smirked. 

Gina flushed, and Ozzy chuckled.

"Will you sign my yearbook?" Brittany Maxwell asked, passing it to Starla.

Starla was used to her instant fame around the school. Everyone thought she was beautiful and kind, as if a princess had been accepted to Roosevelt Middle/High School. (Actually, that was her nickname among many of the older jocks at school. She had to politely tell them that she had a boyfriend... although Drake wasn't really dating her.)

"Sure." Starla pulled out a pen and began writing.

She was so focused on the note that she didn't look when someone sat down with them. When she did, she had to stifle a yelp.

There was a kobold sitting across from her.

Judging by the reactions of Starla's and Kendra's friends, however, he was very good-looking and seemed human. Ozzy was the only one who looked unnerved, but other handsome boys made him wary.

"I don't think we've met," said the kobold in a raspy voice. "I'm Case. I just moved here."

"Pleased to meet you," Starla managed. Case looked at her and his jaw dropped.

"I know, she's so pretty," Gina laughed.

"Uh, yeah," said Case nervously. Starla knew it was because she was well-known in the world of magic, even if no one, including her, knew what she was.

The kobold shook himself and popped a few baby carrots into his mouth. "So what do you do for fun around here?"

"We start by sitting with people we know," Trina said pointedly. Starla saw Kendra smile a bit.

"Trina," said Starla disapprovingly. "That's rude."

"Is this the cool kids' table?" Case asked with mock surprise. "I'd planned to start at the bottom and work my way up."

Trina was speechless. Starla was tempted to laugh.

"You'be been in some of my classes," Case said to Kendra. She stiffened a bit, reminding Starla that she could see the kobold's true form, as well. "English and Math."

"That's right," said Kendra, wrinkling her nose slightly.

"I don't have to take the finals," said Case. "I finished up at my old school. I'm just here to hang out and meet people."

"That's how I feel," said Brittany. "But Kendra, Alyssa, Starla and Ozzy get like straight A's."

"You know," said Case, after taking a swig of his chocolate milk. "I hate going to the movies alone, but I have no friends yet. You guys want to catch a show tonight."

"Sure," said Brittany at once.

"I'm taking Gina out to dinner," Ozzy apologized, still looking wary.

"And I have to study," Starla declined. She wished she could supervise the outing, because she didn't trust Case, but she needed to talk to Drake about their unwanted visitor. She doubted the kobold would cause any big trouble at the movies.

"I'll come," Alyssa said eagerly.

"Okay," Trina agreed reluctantly. "If you're on your best behavior, I might even let you sign my yearbook."

"I don't give autographs," Case returned boredly. "Kendra, you coming?"

Kendra looked at Starla. Starla leaned forward and whispered in Silvian, "You need to keep an eye on him."

Along with being able to see magical creatures without help, Kendra also had the ability to speak and understand fairy languages. This included the naiad, dryad, and imp languages.

Kendra nodded slightly and said, "I'll check with my Dad."

The kobold finished off his lasagna. "How about we meet outside the theater at seven? The one on Kendall by the mini mall. Just trust to luck that something good will be playing."


"Have... fun," said Starla hesitantly.

"I'll probably be watching the kobold more than the movie," said Kendra dryly as she tugged a brush through her hair. "Have fun studying," she added amusedly.

Starla smiled worriedly in return, and Kendra left the room.

Once more, Starla tried to call Drake's cellphone. It kept saying that his phone was 'not available.' She sighed. That wasn't a good sign. Drake usually kept his phone on at all times.

Starla pulled out her notes for science and tried to study.

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