Alice and the Fairies

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I will tell you a story that's filled with imagination. if you believe in fairies than you will love this story,I'm sure of it! Now our story begins in a place called Clicktown. Once opon a time there was a girl named Alice.She was 12 years old. She had black hair,blue eyes,pretty smile. She was smart,and made friends very easily. She was also very nice and gentile. She had a friend named Ana. Ana had pink hair,brown eyes,and very kind and gentile,just like Alice. They were best friends. They met at there school Pinkcircle acadamy. Everyone was nice and polite. Everyone exsept for the nasty girl named Maria.She had blond hair,hazel eyes,and had a big aditude. Oh and should I mention she was always looking for boys. Maria was the popular girl that had to know about everything and everyone even there personal lives so she could hummilate them. One day while Alice was at home in her nice warm bed looking out through the window out into the snow. She decided to do her homework she wrote down the date DECEMBER 15 2010, when all of a sudden she stopped. She looked out the window and spotted something. It looked like a glittery moving ball. Then she pressed her face up to the icy cold glass of the window and stared out onto the snowcovered ground then she looked in the woods. And there it went headding right toward the snow covered forest. She ran over to the coat rack and quickly grabbed her pink fluffy coat,purple boots,and bright yellow scarf. She then ran out the door looking for the ball of light. Then she spotted it yup still heading towrds the woods. She ran as fast as she could. Then she entered the forest. The ball was going fast now and Alice has been going as fast as she ever went. Or at least she tried there were pine trees everywhere and old roots all over the ground. All of a sudden the ball flew into a bush. Then Alice slowed down. The bush was covered in purple flowers not like anykind anyone has ever seen before. Then she mustered enough courage and slowly pulled back the bushes branches and stepped through. She had landed in a magical world.there were little glowing balls of glitter all over. "welcome" said one of the balls. All of a sudden the ball changed into the form of a shap of a little creature. "are you a fairy?" said Alice. "yes indeed we are!" said the fairy. " come sit, you have been chosen to help Anton guide us to a new home and if you succseed you could transfer into a fairy anytime you want." Cool said Alice what am I supposed to do. "just help Anton move our things to a saffer location for cristmas and the rest of winter. " ok but whose Anton?" said Alice. "I'm Anton" said a voice from behind her.all if a sudden Alice turned around. Anton is the most handsome guy in the whole intire world.Alice shighs." ok you two get to work." So Alice and Anton work togther to move the faires but remeber Maria. She needs to know everything about everyone and she saw Alice in the woods,but Alice didn't see her.After Anton and Alice are done they get rewarded any time they snap there fingers they changed into a fairy but they have to snap there fingers and say change me. Then they will be a fairy.Alice asked if she could bring Ana to see the world of fairies.the queen said yes.So the next day at school Alice told Ana everything. After school they met at Alice's house and she brought them to fairy world but they also brought an uninvited guess. Maria had sneaked along to see the fairy world. After Alice showed Ana around They thought they'd go to see Anton. But Maria decided to tag along. They met Anton and Maria spied. After Alice and Ana left, Maria stayed with Anton.She snuck up behind him and captured him and then captured the fairy queen. When Alice knew the queen was missing she flew to tell Anton an. Found Maria there. She was kissing Anton and Alice was shocked.then she took Maria and threw her.she hit the table and was in a little pain. She resqued the fairy queen and she banned Maria from ever comming back to fairy land ever agian. Anton and Alice got together and Ana got to be a fairy. Maria tried to tell everone at school but no one would believe her and that she'd gone crazy. So she went from miss popularity to no popularity and Alice and Ana got to be the stars for once. THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2010 ⏰

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