12 - Questions

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Hermione was frozen in her chair now. She was thankful that no one but she and Draco were in the classroom yet.

As soon as Draco had said those three words, Hermione stood up and threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.

"Thank God! I was truly getting worried that we wouldn't feel anything for each other. So...what do you feel for me?"  She smiled into their hug

"Well, I don't really know how to say this. I've never dated anyone before..." He says, rubbing his neck

"I'll say it for you then...Draco Malfoy, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"I guess?"

"So, how does this dating thing work?" Draco asked her

"Well...it's different with everyone. We'll learn together." Hermione smiles

"So, how about we start with the normal couple-y stuff that I see Potter and Weaslette doing? May I have your hand?" He smiles

"Don't call them that! But yes, you may." Hermione clasps her hand around his

Their hands fit perfectly together like they were made for each other

Hermione knew they were probably moving fast...but they had to get married soon anyway, so why not move fast? She knew she liked Draco.

He was always so smart and strong. She actually had a crush on him in her second year but couldn't say anything because of her friends and because of the things he said about her. So, for her, the feelings had always been there. They were just buried deep down inside of her, the war covering it up in the rubble.

Yes, he had said things as a child that truly hurt her, and maybe it was wrong for her to feel this way as a kid being bullied, but she knew deep down that he didn't truly feel that way. It was just his parent's beliefs being pushed onto him. 

Everything moved so much faster when you didn't have to develop feelings for someone. She also knew they would end up together no matter what. So there was no real fear that it wouldn't work out. They were apparently destined to be anyway.

Hermione and Draco stared at each other for a while, just smiling at their new title together. Soon, their classmates started filing into the classroom and they straightened up, not wanting to draw too much attention to either of them. Ginny strolled into the classroom, immediately taking a seat at the desk next to Hermione and Draco's desk.

Placing her bag on the table, she looked over and noticed how close Hermione and Draco were sitting together. Too close for her liking. Something was going on with them. And Ginny was determined to find out all of the details.

"Hey, 'Mione!" Ginny says to her friend, making her jump

"Oh! Hi, Gin. I didn't even realize you sat down." Hermione blushes

"I could tell. You seem to be in your own world." She smirks, knowing something was up

"Sorry, I was daydreaming..." She drifts off

"So. What's new with you? We haven't really had the chance to talk in a while."

"Oh, nothing much. Same old, same old." Hermione tightens her hand around Draco's. Although they were now dating, she didn't know if she was ready for anyone to find out. It hadn't even been two months since they were sorted together!

"Hi, Draco. Hope you're having a nice day." Ginny says, pushing both of their buttons. She was a determined girl

"Hello, Ginny. I am, thank you." Draco says, incredibly awkward.

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