Once upon a time

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Trigger warning: Abuse, punishment


Once upon a time...

Even though she had a rough time growing up without any night time stories, Natasha was pretty sure it all started like this.

"Once upon a time"

She mumbled to herself walking around the room, her green eyes were empty like she had lost her soul somewhere.

The smell of cold and unfresh air in the little dull room did not bother the red haired woman, not even a bit. It looked like she completely lost her own soul a while ago

"Are you going to tell me a story or what?"

The younger girl with messy, long, light-brow hair chuckled, she was sitting on her knees for almost an hour feeling like she had been wasting her time

"It all starts with once upon a time"

"Yes, it sure does, mrs. red hair" The girl rolled her eyes as if she couldn't be more bored "Can you just kill me please. We both know this is wasting our time"

Natasha stopped walking and laid her eyes on the younger girl, and when their eyes met, she finally felt like she had her soul back

"You do know why you are here, right?" Natasha crossed her arms

"I stole one of the biggest weapon from Starks Industry" she rolled her eyes again "So what? just kill me, please. I'm so sick of this and my knees are starting to hurt"

"I would" The woman replied "But before your death comes, you need to answer a few questions"

"Bring it"

"Oh wait, I heard you can read minds" Ms.Romanoff smiled "Why don't you show me that power of yours right now? If you impress me, I will let you go"

"No you won't"

"How did you know?"

"I read your mind, mrs. red hair"

Natasha knelt down so that her face was on the same level as the little girl's, she used her right hand to cup the hazel eyed girl

"First of all, it's 'Ms' not 'Mrs'"


"And second of all, it's 'Romanoff' not 'Red hair'"

The girl chuckled "Like I give a shi--"

Natasha's hand slapped on the younger girl's cheek before she could finish the cuss word. The left side of her face turned red after getting slapped

"Don't you dare cuss at me!" The red haired woman yelled "Listen to me, Sokovian girl! From now on I am your trainer! you're gonna listen to me and behave yourself whether you like it or not!"

"Trainer!?" The girl cried "What the fu---"

The second slap happened on the same spot

"I said no cuss words!"


The little witch finally learned to stay quiet, at least to not get slapped again

"Now tell me your name"

"I thought you knew that already"

"Yes" She replied "But i want to hear it from your pretty little lips" Her index finger ran from the girl's nose tip to her lower lip

Now the little witch felt like she was having hard time breathing, staring into those beautiful green eyes

"Wanda.." The girl whispered underneath her breath "Wanda Maximoff"

Ms.Romanoff stood up and started walking around the room again

"Tell me more about yourself"

Wanda tried to ignore the order, but for some reason she felt too scared to do so

She's not scared of getting killed, definitely not, Wanda just lost her everything after the death of her twin brother, so being killed is one of the things she had been waiting for

But she was scared of those eyes...

Those perfect green eyes that gave her the feelings she never ever had before

"I'm from Sokovia" Wanda answered as if she just found her voice

"And your accent is still thick" Natasha nodded as stopped walking "We're gonna have to work on that"

"I'm not gonna get rid of my accent!"

"Oh yes you are, Maximoff" The woman said coldly "You're gonna get rid of that seductive accent of yours no matter what, I would bite your tongue out until you do so if I had to"

The witch felt like something in her chest in beating harder, louder, and even more annoying

She tried to get into Ms.red hair's head to see what that woman was planning deep down, but then she failed, completely failed. All she could read was something simple like the next question the woman was going to ask, it was like Natasha's thoughts were too complicated to read

Wanda wasn't even sure if the woman could catch her own thought since it was THAT messy

"Okay, I answered my questions already. Can you please kill me now?" Wanda rolled her eyes, trying to avoid those green eyes of the older woman

"I would be more than happy to do so, kid" Natasha chuckled "But Stark saw what you could do with your red power, so he now wants you on our team, and i am going to be your trainer.. well, more like a babysitter i would say" She rolled her green eyes "You are more than ten years younger than me"

"That training thing is definitely not happening! Not while i'm still breathing!"

Natasha completely ignored the words that came out of the little witch's lips, she started walking around, laying eyes on the empty walls, looking like she was losing her soul once again

"Everything started with once upon a time, Maximoff, as simple as that"


The green eyes laid on the little girl before she smiled coldly

"I'm gonna teach you how to start with once upon a time, and then end up with the worst ending you could ever imagine" she chuckled "My little witch"

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