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fan·girl \ˈfan-ˌgər(-ə)l\


can be male or female, regardless of the term fangirl.

often makes up his or her own words and talks in gibberish, however, if you are also a fangirl, you are able to understand what s/he is saying.

is often in hysterics or distress.

usually found in their bedrooms.

good at finding innuendos.

normally in "burrito mode" reading fanfictions (may or may not be smut).

turns character's interests and hobbies into serious and deep obsessions [i.e. Peeta and his bread from The Hunger Games, Tobias/Four and his cake in Divergent, or Jace and his mangoes from The Mortal Instruments.

tends to break for at any mention of anything relating to their fandoms.

in extreme cases, they faint or die [whether it's metaphorically or literally. hopefully not literally.]

normally hooked on YouTubers.

known to grow attachments to imaginary characters and/or objects.

often not "socially acceptable".

inside often. is a loner.

said to be in love with people they have never met. sometimes, they know more about those people than they do themselves or people they know in real life.

they only leave their bedrooms to go to the following places:

- book stores

- HotTopic and other merch stores

- movie premiers

- concerts

- the kitchen

common things fangirls go are:

- cry

- scream

- yell

- eat

there are different types of fangirls for different things.

some interests a fangirl most likely have are:

- books/authors

- music/bands/singers

- YouTubers

- tv shows

- movies

- celebrities

- etc.

[fangirls usually like more than one thing in that list]

fangirls are more likely than not in more then one fandoms.



Captain America

Iron Man

The Incredible Hulk


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Below? This isn't a YouTube video

I was thinking the same thing.

First definition: COMPLETED.


By now, Capt. Murica and Ironman have taken the "thanks for reading!" and "hope you liked it!" parts so I really don't have much to say. So yeah.

-Posted by Captain America and The Incredible Hulk, written by all

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