Never Been Better

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Never Been Better   

   by Manuella Owusu


Scene 1:

Scene opens in a Psychologists office


Psychologist:Tell me ...what happened that made you so?


Ann: I cant tell u,its too much pain just to remember.


Psychologist: Try ... for me,for yourself,maybe for your parents and family,we are here for you.


Ann:I dont know ... I think it might be better if nobody else knows,oh the horror!


Psychologist:Tell me Ann... I want to help you get through this.


Ann:I had a friend once,well,he was my one and only friend,I loved him like i loved my own siblings and yet he was not my blood relative,he was just a friend,someone i trusted too much for my own good.


Psychologist:Tell me Ann,who is he?


Ann:I care not to mention his name for it brings back memories that haunt me forever.


Psychologist:Well then,go on.


Ann:He was my protector,my inspiration,or so i thought


Psychologist:Ann? Ann?


Ann:... As i was saying,he was very dear to me,until that fateful day;we were left alone,our mothers out to the market and we playing in the house with no one but the old lady who owned the house.We were alone,well,almost alone when he...when he ...(sobs)


Psychologist:Go on Ann, no one can hurt you now,you are safe


Ann:I cant do this(sobs),I just cant(sobs)maybe next time,but i cant, not now,not with everyone!


(Ann stomps out of the office and runs into the streets).


(Next day Ann goes back  to the psychologist alone and unannounced)

Scene 2:

Ann:(knocks on door repeatedly)

Psychologist:Whos there?!

Ann:Its me Ann!

Psychologist:Ann?(goes to open door)

Ann:Yes,I came alone this time

Psychologist:Sit,Ill be right behind you

Ann:(sits)Can we start a session now?,I want to get this over with.

Psychologist:Would you like a cup of coffee?

Ann:No thanks,water would be nice

Psychologist:Coming right up(gives water to Ann).So,do we talk about what happened yesterday or do we talk about something else?

Ann:(sighs)Well,I guess what happened yesterday needs to be addressed anyways,lets talk about that then.

Psychologist:Whenever youre ready.

Ann:(takes a deep breath)Can we keep this confidential;and by that i mean,dont tell my parents until i say otherwise.

Psychologist:Whatever you say Ann... whatever you say

Ann:It was his birthday

Psychologist:Whos birthday?

Ann:I do not wish to speak of his name remember?!

Psychologist:Oh,yes i remember

Ann:If you dont mind,i would rather you not interrupt as i speak unless of grave importance


Ann:...We pretended not to know so his mom and mine went to get the needed ingredients for his surprise party,We were alone then.I was happy for him,happier than he was i suppose,he was turning fifteen and I was pretty much chasing him but that wasnt why i was happy.I was happy because we had been friends for twelve good years and i was basically a part of his life.

Psychologist:Excuse me for a moment(he goes to refill his cup with coffee)Go on

Ann:(squeezes both of her hands)We started to talk about our childhood and how much fun we had as kids.He kept looking at me(shrugs)strangely and somehow he was getting closer

Psychologist:how close?

Ann:please,no questions,just listen

Psychologist:sorry,go on

Ann:It wasnt much to be alarmed so i kept on talking and each time he was somehow an inch closer than he was before.I stopped for he was getting closer still,closer and closer and closer with a look in his eyes,a look i had never seen in his face before,not in any of the twelve years we had been friends.I...I...I was scared,i didnt know what was going on.He touched me(starts to shrug violently),he...he...touched me not the way he used to,he was stronger now and I could do nothing more than look as he pulled me closer with his cold hands.The closeness wasnt the problem;his eyes were,they were dark and colder than his hands were and(continues to shake violently)I...I tried but i couldnt get to him,my lips barely moved as he stripped off my clothes(coils and continue to shake while crying silently)

Psychologist:Ann,lets stop for now.

Ann:No!,he took me,my very own friend,he took away my pride as a gift to himself,he took everything away from me,my peace,my trust,everything!(Ann throws the cup across the room)

Psychologist:Ann!,stay calm Ann!

Ann:They didnt believe me,No!,not even my very own parents,they wouldnt hear of it,everything was me,I was the liar(sobs),i was nothing more than that!.You see,he left me with nothing but tears,misery and parents who thought me crazy!(sobs)I was the lair,not him,not him!

Psychologist:(reaches out to touch Ann)Ann,Its okay...


Ann: Dont touch me!,Its okay you say,you are all the same,every last one of you!.All you do is take away peoples happiness and yet here you are,telling me its okay!(continues to sob)

Psychologist:Ann,i wouldnt do anything to hurt you;I just want to help you

Ann:He was my friend for twelve years,I trusted him with all my heart,he was more than a friend,he was a brother,someone i could rely on in troubled times and yet he saw me as nothing more than a way to satisfy his lust and you stand here today to tell me that its okay?!Do you know how many times ive cried?Do you know how hard it is for me to trust?,all i can think of is him,his forceful touch,the evil smirk on his face and his eyes


Ann:Theres nothing you can do(starts to calm down),theres nothing anyone can do.Its just me...Its just me(starts to leave),Its always me

Psychologist:Ann?Are you okay?

Ann:Ive never been better.(leaves room)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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