Moving Out

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When my mom and her boyfriend got back my mom told me something that was pretty scary. She told me one night she heard my sister banging on her door and jiggling the handle trying to get in. She kept telling her to go to bed and lay down. It got to the point that she got up to put her in bed. She opened the door and my sister was just standing there. She was sleep walking which she has never done before and hasn't done since. My mom asked what was wrong and she said with tears that they don't want us here. It freaked my mom out but she just put her to bed and she was passed out again. My sister that night was sleeping downstairs on the couch. So something happened to her that made her sleep walk to try and wake my mom. I have asked my sister about this and she doesn't remember it happening.

      Finally we were going to move out. I felt so much relief when we decided to move into our now home. The final thing that happened which was the most violent. Me,  my mom and her boyfriend were sitting on the couch relaxing after packing up the kitchen. We were watching tv and we heard this loud bang from in the kitchen. My moms boyfriend jumped up and went to the kitchen and he says in a confused voice,  "uh the toaster is in the middle of the floor." I was shocked cause I packed the toasted in the box and it was on the floor. I thought maybe it was the cat but our cat was sleeping at our feet the whole time and my sister was sleeping upstairs. The toaster was thrown so hard it stopped working. We had to throw it away. It still scares me thinking about the force used to throw that toaster. And how did it get out of the packed box? Everyone in the livingroom agreed that we were ready to get the hell out of there! The next day we were able to move out and go to the new house we were going to move the stuff and stay at the old house but we decided to stay at the new house and sleep on a blow up mattress instead of at the old house.  As we were moving stuff I didn't realize how heavy the air was at the old house. When I went to the new house I felt light and free and as generic as it sounds I could literally feel my anxiety melt away.  As we went back to get some sheetz and blankets so we could sleep at the new house as soon as I step through the door it felt like the air was replaced with bricks it was so thick and heavy and I could just feel my anxiety coming back. We hurry up and grabbed what we needed and we got the heck out of there. We went back once more to get the heavy furniture and that was it. Now being at this new house I don't have any anxiety I can sleep with no lights on. I just feel like a whole new person. Its just so strange to me that this house which seemed so happy and like a life saver in the beginning turned into a living nightmare. I will never set foot in the house even if you paid me. I don't even like talking about my experiences in that house.  Even writing this gave me a little anxiety cause I'm worried if I talk about it it'll somehow show up here. And everything will be how it was. Bug so far at this new house the only thing my mom has experienced was she saw a shadow person twice in her bedroom but she hasn't seen it in a long time and I still feel happy and comfortable in this house. The only other weird thing I should mention is we lived in 3 houses with stairs not once in any of the other houses beside the demon house has my mom tripped down stairs. Never she is always careful but for some reason at this house she would trip and fall down the stairs. It just seems weird like something was tripping her.

     I just felt like I needed to get my story out and I feel bad for whoever buys that house cause they are not renting it anymore its for sale so I hooe whoever buys it doesn't have to experience what we had to. Thanks for reading!

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