•~Chapter One~•

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First POV

Steadily my horse moved in these dense forests, knowing the dangers that lurks. With only a latern as my light source in one hand and the Morning Star at the other. I , Y/N, a proud descendant of the Belmont clan came here to search of my families treasures. My great grandfather Trevor Belmont told me stories of his adventures of battling monsters and eventually meeting my great grandmother Sypha. He mentioned of an old friend of his named Alucard briefly in his stories. He never goes full detail who exactly he was but I thought nothing of it. He was just a third party member of their group that left my grandparents right?

Anyways, grandpa Trevor told me of a place he knew that kept our families treasures, history, and defeats. Ranging from living skeletons to demons from the depths of hell. It's where, he said, he got our prized family treasure, the Morning Star. Ever since then I've been begging my grandpa to tell where it is but he never told. He forbids me to find it and says it's best if we left it untouched. It's been years since he's past but I feel like now is the time for me to look for it. I've grown and matured, my skills in monster slaying has been improved since then. I managed to find this place through the folks in neighboring villages, telling stories how a castle just showed up out of no where, perched atop of a mountain. So far no one has investigated it due to high activity of monsters plaguing around it. I assume the castle might have the whereabouts of the Belmonts treasure since my grandpa had mentioned killing a vampire in one before he settled in, although it is just a hunch.

So this where I am right now, alone in these dense wooded areas. I hear a noise of a twig snapping. I quickly turned to look what it was and nothing was there. I signaled my horse to move along and calm him down. "Don't worry, Felipe, the castle is only a mile away." Then another noise was heard, this time it was a loud sniff and a snarl. I tapped Felipe to move slightly faster. The thing I heard slowly was moving and picked up it's pace before it gave off a ferocious roar. I recognize that roar, it was that of a Slogra. Then a five more appeared out of the trees roaring as well. Felipe quickly ran straight forward without me signaling him. I had to duck forward to avoid getting hit by branches and can almost see the castle from afar.

Suddenly a Slogra managed to hit Felipe on the leg making him to trip down and me to fall on impact. I quickly got up but my left leg was slightly broken. The Slogras all grouped together in the sky, one of them holding a spear in hand (I assume it's the leader of the pack). I whipped Morning Star and adjusted my posture. One by one I targeted the Slogras, using my holy water and finishing them off with Morning Star. The spear wielding Slogra caught me off guard and hit me, leaving me with a small but deep cut on the side of my body. Damn. Doesn't help that it's cold out here almost feels like its winter. I slowly begin to feel nauseous. My wound will quickly pour out blood if I make another dynamic move. My only best bet is if the sun came out to burn these unholy creatures but with the moon still positioned in the middle of the night, I highly doubt it. I can hear the screeches of the Slogras as they came flying towards me. I looked down, eyes closed, holding my cross necklace, and saying a prayer.

"Grandpa Trevor....Grandma Sypha...ancestors of the Belmont clan..I have failed to bring honor to our name..."

Then a blood curdling scream of a Slogra echoed the woods. I looked up to see a pale man with golden locks and piercing yellow eyes. His clothing all black, almost camouflaged to the nightly dark wooded surrounding. He moved at such a quick speed that he was only but a blur. A Slogra that managed to get up, lunged towards me but the mysterious man threw his sword at it and impaled it's neck.

He slowly got to it and delivered a final blow to it. He then looks towards me, it felt like his eyes where looking at my very soul. They were feminine but his stare was tense as a man. Those beautiful cold eyes were the last thing I saw before passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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