Fights - Squad

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Garrett- You two get in an argument over something stupid and end up spending the night away from eachother. He calls in the morning and apologizes, and you do too. You meet at a coffee shop and have breakfast and just continuously apologize to eachother.

Shane- You two dont really fight, but when you do its usually about his work. He spends days on end working and not really spending much time with you and you get jealous. You just want him to take a couple hours out to be with you. In the end he agrees and says he'll try harder.

Ryland- You two dont really fight. When you have issues you just sit down and talk about them.

Andrew- Yelling happens sometimes, but usually not. One of you storms out and then calls the other a few hours later to apologize. Usually end up cuddling and watching a movie in the end.

Morgan- Over something stupid and it ends as quick as it started.

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