Sahiwal - Best Indian Cow Breed

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Needless to say that Sahiwal is a breed of 'Zebu cattle'. It is deemed to be one of the best milch cattle breeds in India. In brief, it is the most perfect breed that produces the highest quantity of milk followed by other promising breeds like Butana and Red Sindhi breeds. With an intention to supply milk of this breed, you would find the .Haryana is a North Indian state where you would find prominent suppliers of high-quality Sahiwal cow breed. The best dairy farms are located in Karnal district (Haryana), where you would buy or sell Sahiwal cows in Karnal, Haryana.About the breedSahiwal is a very famous species of cow among the farmers because these are very efficient for producing milk and giving birth to young ones. Besides, the milk produces by them contains more fat contents, which are considered very healthy and exceptional as other breeds lack in producing these contents.How effective is the milk of Sahiwal cow in Karnal, Haryana?According to Dr. Singh, 'Ghumanti' community, none of the people consuming the milk of this breed gets cancer disease in their life. By consuming the milk of other breeds, people may suffer from some diseases, but this breed can save the people even from the perilous disease (cancer). Hence, to purchase this breed, are available at nominal prices.Some qualities of Sahiwal CowBesides, the milk produces by this breed has healthy fats (5-6% fat in Sahiwal cows while others have only 3% fat,), its milk offers healthy protein of three types- Alpha, Beta, and Globin.Beta protein available in Sahiwal breed has A1 and A2 allele. The fact is only this breed has A2 allele which contained Proline rather than histidine protein which is available in the milk of other breeds. Proline in Sahiwal's breeds helps in curing many diseases such as diabetes, heart problems, and cholesterol. Thus, all these factors make this breed important than others.Where to buy Sahiwal cow?Hence, if you have influenced the benefits of Sahiwal breed cow, then definitely, you are seeking the destination where you can purchase it. Also, you are considering the best quality of Sahiwal cow at a nominal price. The best Sahiwal cows support is available in Karnal, Haryana as it the best hub of supplying this breed cows.Mahalakshmi Dairy Farm offers (located in Karnal district). It is the best destination in India offering buying and selling of Sahiwal Breed cows. To buy or get a consultation to know more about Sahiwal cows for sale in Karnal, Haryana, you can call at 9068160001, 8295924414 or explore its official website.

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