Chapter 7 (Ask Elsa)

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Elsa walked over to her locker. Everything around her screamed, PROM! GRADUATION! She sighed and walked to her locker. When she opened it, a small white envelope fell from inside. "To Elsa" it said in calligraphy. She picked it up and opened it. She pulled out the small slips of paper inside. "I could drown in your eyes and smile." Elsa blushed furiously. She had a secret admirer? Elsa shook her head. Somebody was probably trying to play a joke on her. Nonetheless, she was intrigued. The bell rang, bringing Elsa back to reality. She closed her locker and hurried to first period.

"Yo Elsa! You got a message." Someone called from the back of the room. Elsa placed her beaker down and went over to him. He handed her an envelope. "I dunno who its from." He said. "He just said to give it to Elsa." Elsa saw it was the same kind of white envelope she received this morning. "Who gave this to you?" The boy shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't see his face." Elsa opened the envelope to find another strip of paper. "Every time you come around, you make my heart pound." She blushed. The girls of the classroom noticed and immediately started to interrogate her. "Who is it?" Olivia asked. "I don't know..." Was all Elsa could say. Soon she was off to second period, where another envelope was waiting. "Elsa?" Her teacher asked. "This is for you." She handed Elsa an envelope, which was decorated with her name and snowflakes. "Your smile always brightens my day and chases the clouds away." Elsa was stunned. No one ever saw her smile. "That is sooo cute." Courtney gushed. "You're soooo lucky." Elsa rolled her eyes when she walked away. Courtney was a very indecisive person, but Elsa guessed it was nice to have her in a good mood. At lunch, she went to the library, as usual, but instead of reading, she looked closely at the notes and envelopes, trying to figure out who was sending them to her. By the end of lunch, Jack hadn't shown up and she still wasn't any closer to knowing who it was. Sighing, she walked to her next class, wondering what was awaiting her there.

"What the..." Was all Elsa could say when paper snowflakes rained down on her in third period. Noticing the envelope in the middle of the snowflakes, she picked it up. Jamie Bennett chuckled and cleaned the snowflakes up. "I did it Jack. You definitely owe me one." He texted quickly before the teacher took away his phone. "Thanks." Came Jack's quick reply. Jamie shoved his phone in his bag and watched Elsa's reaction as she opened the envelope. She slowly unraveled the paper which said, "You go unnoticed by most, but not by me." Elsa was truly puzzled as to who it was. For the rest of the period, she couldn't focus at all on the lesson. She was too busy wondering who it could be. "Ms. Elsa! What is the answer?" Elsa snapped to attention. "Sorry, which question?" Nina, the girl sitting next to her giggled and whispered, "to busy day dreaming about your dream guy? We're on question 14 on page 200." Elsa blushed and read the answer off her paper. The teacher nodded, satisfied, and Elsa went back to staring at the clock, wondering if time would move any faster.

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