Chapter 1: Falling Down

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"Todoroki-kun, it's your turn!" Izuku called. Todoroki took his time answering.

"Um..." he pondered.

Bakugo groaned.

"Come on stupid half and half bastard, just pick one!" The blond boy shouted. Kirishima chided him for being so loud.

"Truth, I suppose." Todoroki finally answered. The group sighed.

"Come on Todo-kun, you've picked truth every time," Izuku complained. "Pick dare for once!"

Kirishima and Bakugo quit bickering to agree, however much it annoyed Bakugo.

Todoroki sighed in defeat. They were right. The game was getting a bit boring after picking truth so many times in a row. Even though everyone else had done the same.

Hypocrites. He thought.

"All right, fine. I choose dare." Todoroki laughed.

The four boys played the game for hours. Once they got bored, they found something new to do, the boredom never lasting for more than a few minutes.

They finally fell asleep at seven a.m., Bakugo and Kirishima on the floor and Todoroki and Izuku on Izuku's couch. Todoroki woke up after a few hours. He looked around Izuku's darkened living room. He wanted to get up, but didn't want to wake Izuku, who was curled up on top of Todoroki's legs.

Todoroki smiled at the sleeping green-haired boy. He almost looked as adorable as when he was awake and grinning ear to ear.

Todoroki closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep once again, as he was still quite tired, listening to the soft sounds of his three friends breathing.


Todoroki awoke once again a few hours later. Kirishima was the only other person awake. Izuku was still asleep on top of Todoroki's legs and Bakugo still snored with his head resting in Kirishima's lap. Todoroki rubbed his eyes and looked over at Kirishima who was putting Bakugo's hair into a bunch of tiny ponytails. Kirishima looked up at Todoroki.

"Oh, cool, you're up. You wouldn't happen to have any hair ties, would you?" He asked mischievously. Todoroki didn't question his motives.

"No, I don't." He mumbled, still tired from the lack of sleep. Kirishima however, looked as lively as ever. He searched around him for a hair tie to finish his masterpiece, careful not to wake Bakugo in the process.

"Found one!" He cheered. Todoroki chuckled and turned his glance to Izuku, who was still sleeping. Todoroki searched for his phone, which he found in Kirishima's hands. He was taking pictures of the sleeping boy who was still lying in his lap.

"Oh, Sorry bro! Mine's dead and I just had to get a picture of this before he wakes up." Kirishima apologized through his laughter. Todoroki laughed along with him. It was a pretty amusing sight.

Todoroki felt Izuku move and quickly turned to see the boy sitting up. His legs felt cold without Izuku curled up on top of them.

"Good morning, Izuku." Todoroki said stoically. Izuku turned to him beaming. Todoroki's placid face immediately melted into a smile. Izuku's joy was practically contagious.

"Good Morning Todo-kun!" Izuku replied enthusiastically. He turned to see what Kirishima had done to Bakugo's hair and laughed. "Kacchan's not going to be happy when he wakes up."

"It's totally worth it." Kirishima replied as he showed Izuku the pictures he'd taken. They were going through all the photos, editing some of them and debating over which was the best when Todoroki nearly drifted off to sleep again. Izuku noticed and immediately stood up.

"Come on Todo-kun, I'll make some coffee." Izuku said as he offered his hand to Todoroki, who was still sitting on the couch. Todoroki stared at it for a second before putting his hand in Izuku's. Izuku helped him up and the two went to the kitchen where they made coffee. They were about to head back to Kirishima and Bakugo when they heard the blond boy yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL EIJIRO?!" Bakugo practically growled. Izuku jumped at the sudden loud noise.

"Well, we better go calm him down." Izuku sighed. Todoroki followed him back to the war zone that the living room had become. Kirishima tried to dodge the pillows and blankets Bakugo was throwing, not realizing the futility of it. Every single one hit him. Todoroki and Izuku stood there watching the chaos for a moment until Bakugo, who's hair was still in ponytails, ran out of things to throw and was eyeing the lamp in the corner.

Izuku tried to step in which didn't really help, and ended up in the middle of the battle. Todoroki stood off to the side sipping his coffee, watching the absolute chaos unfold. He eventually got dragged into the fight and defended himself by using Kirishima as a human shield.

Eventually, the time came for everyone to leave, which they were all reluctant to do except for Bakugo, who was dragged along by Kirishima and never really wanted to be there in the first place.

Todoroki went home and collapsed on his bed, exhausted from a combination of his lack of sleep and the fight he got dragged into.

He only slept for a few hours and woke up, reluctant to move, so he laid there for a while, just thinking. He thought about the pictures Kirishima took on his phone. Those would be interesting to go through later. He thought about the peacefulness he had felt when everyone else was still asleep that morning, and the way Izuku's smile spread to him in a heartbeat.


Todoroki's eyes flew open at his realization.

He liked Izuku.


Hi, I'm Illiterate. I don't have a cover yet, but I will soon. That's uh... all I have to say.

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