Clothes were packed tightly within a suitcase, as a couple boxes surrounded it. Keeping a large collection of items while moving constantly was difficult, so he didn't try. Every fifty years or so his past would come and haunt him with so much persistence and aggravation, he wanted to give up many times. His beloved Elizabeth, who he considered his sister, was potentially in the way of harm. The beings that surrounded her was great protection, however, was it enough? It seemed the ones he formed the deepest connections with ended up hurt because of a past that he didn't create. He didn't ask for this. So many lives he has lived, and not one was truly ever lived like it should be. Oh, how nice it would be to work a job, maybe have some friends, go to a party in which he wasn't worried about being taken away. The thought made him shiver. For the twins were out, yet no one could stop them on their path to Lucas. The council? Even they couldn't control the boys who seemed to sneak past every white polished nose they came in contact with. The car that was once in motion, was now stopped. The brown eyes looking up at the brick home that was beautifully decorated with flowerbeds and little gnomes. A reef on the door with the worlds, 'welcome' going across it. The scent was obvious to him, it was no longer a free territory, but theirs. He couldn't comprehend how this would be safe for him. His scent would be covered, but territory of the two major powers had rarely been crossed. Was his troubles so bad that even the pack that roamed on the night of the full moon felt bad for him?

"Please attend to my things so I may introduce myself to the family" he murmured softly as he opened the black car door. The car a polished clean with a hint of pollen that heavily covered the sky. Children playing, lawn mowers running, the soft hum of a car as it drove by them on the quiet street. Every house elegant and polished, taken care of. Though that shouldn't shock him, this was the biggest pack within North America and the most richest. A figure already within the door way, watching the glass door be pushed open and swung shut as a male came out. Seeming to be six in height and dark brown hair that fell to right. "Lucas, I am Mr.Linner, but you may call me Robert" the older male hummed. The timid male shaking his hand, quite a difference in height and structure between them. Lucas barley reached five foot, and the male was lingering above him. His shortness couldn't be blamed on genetics or himself, but the time he was turned.

"I thank you for letting me say here while I recover from the shock of my discovery in Canada" he said, the driver carrying the few boxes of things he owned from the car and into the home. "Second floor, third bedroom on the right!" Robert yelled, looking back at the boy who appeared more than a teenager. "It is really my pleasure. I believe the feud between our kind is outdated, and is now just a stereotype that some feed on. I heard the basics of your story, and I couldn't help but to feel compassion. It is an honor to have a being of your kind with us while you find a new home." The word made him cringe. Mostly because, in his entire life, he never had a real home. Here he was nearing three hundred, and he never had a home. "Its my pleasure to be accepted in such a pack. May we continue inside? The sun does burn the skin rather easy" he asked, and the male quickly nodded. "I have no reason to decline. Let's continue" he said, as the pair walked within the home. The pack already aware of the arrival of Lucas, and many watched as they talked. Who knew a vampire could be so small and weak looking...

"This shall be your room Lucas, I do hope it's sufficient." The medium sized room having to large window that was painted a soft white, over looking the street; the room fully furnished with a classic white theme. "We have many vampires stay with us, so we try to make it as basic as possible to give them the room they need" said the male, standing at the edge of the doorway. Six boxes laying on the floor, while three suitcases laid on the neatly made bed. "Thank you for the room" he said softly, the only color in the room being the curtains which were a deep black. Closing them as it blocked out the heat of the sun; the boy letting out a sigh of relief. "My son will be home shortly from school, he may not introduce himself but do not worry about that. If you need anything just ask."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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