Waiting For You

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As the elevator approaches the final floors to the penthouse office at the very top, the perpetual notch between Li Ming Cheng's brows deepened intently. A drawn-out sigh escaped his lips to punctuate the tumult brewing in his mind. At times like this, he really hated his job. Not because of the stress but because he hated being the bearer of bad news, - all the time. In the one and half year since his return to Yun Ma after his Masters, he has lost count of the times he rode in this very elevator to deliver news less than desirable to the Chairman whom he had grown to care for as a friend.

Worst yet, when it was the same bad news, - every time.

The young finance manager dreaded to think how many more times will he have to repeat this drill; or how many more times will he have to put his boss through this same ordeal time and time again.

As the man's manager, Ming Cheng only had to report his findings. But it was the Chairman himself who can resolve the matter. And this was no trifle matter. Regardless of the decision, the price to pay was decidedly a high one.

If the young manager had admired the man before, now admiration alone wouldn't do just. He has absolute respect for the young Chairman. From building a dying business into the thriving empire it was today within a mere decade was no walk in the park. However he was far from envious because God knows the sacrifices made, the heartache and pain was not for everyone. And this was one of those times in which the Chairman would inevitably be caught between a rock and a hard place. He would be forced to make sacrifices, - sacrifices that no one knows of and will never know.

There was truth in the saying that it's lonely at the top.

Resignedly, the young manager shook his head as he alighted the elevator cab. With every step closer to the office, an invisible weight seemed to be weighing down on the black folder that was in his arms. It probably weighed as much as the sinking boulder of remorse in his stomach pit.

The ever vigilant PA, Wei An was the first to notice his presence at the office threshold. But what started out as a friendly, welcoming smile faltered quickly at the sight of the folder in his arms.

"I take it that you have bad news for him," the PA broached tentatively. The young man dipped his head in a singular apologetic nod.

The older man exhaled regrettably, torn between sending Ming Cheng into the Chairman's inner chamber or to turn him away. Today was a terrible day for bad news. The Chairman already had a difficult afternoon with his board of directors. More bad news would be the last thing he needed right now.

In attempt to divert disaster in-making, "Perhaps we should reschedule this for another day," Wei An suggested good-naturedly.

But things don't always goes as planned, does it?

"Let him in, Wei An." The voice that normally reverberated with demanding arrogance, spoke with unnerving softness and undisguised weariness from the inner sanctum.

The confidant and the young manager exchanged reluctant glances. Neither were inclined to approach the Chairman's desk for their own reasons, however both had very little choice in the matter.

As Ming Cheng got close enough, he finally realised the reasoning for the older PA's earlier effort to defer the meeting to a later date.

Despite his boss's best effort to hide behind his cool, indifferent façade, evidence of strain and exhaustion were obvious even to the naked eye. The normally sharp eyes reflected dull and hollow listlessness. Whites of his eyes were crawling with fine red veins. Dark smudge blemished under the eyes. Thin lines bracketed his lips. But most alarming of all, was the lack of colour on his face and lips, like death warmed over him.

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