this other side of me

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hell will rain down from the sky, as the walls cave in, what was up is now down, so watch your head, everythings about to flip, i feel like screaming, till im bleeding, i dont know whos blood is on the wall, where did this knife come from, what have i done, oh no, here he comes, the other side of me, the one that just wants to blow, the side of me that will get up when others will fall, the side of me that just wont fucking die, i just feel like screaming, HOW THE FUCK DO I GET THIS RAGE OUT, i feel like colapising, and then getting back up, i bleed, i cry, but for what, for life, for every morning, hell no, for every night, i feel like bleeding, i just want to shout, my voice may be quiet, but watch out, cause when i yell, IM GOING TO FUCKING SHOUT, HELL WILL RAIN DOWN FROM THE SKY, oh and those in pain, those that want to die, those that dont give a shit about life, litsen up ya hear, i got something for ya, look around ya, whadda ya see, death, pain, suffering, starvation, screams of pain, overdoses, all the more reason to live, all the more reason to get up, help those around you, and raise HELL, get up off the ground, get up off your knees, lend a hand to a brother, and help each other get up, these are the reasons i bleed, these are the reasons i cry, these are the reasons i live, pain, suffering, utter chaos, destruction, all amazing, all horifing, all inspiring, awe inspiring, i just wanna flip, i just wanna shout, this cage thats holding me back, its breaking, im about to get out, so take a step back, cause i cant take care of my inner demons, cause im a demon myself, watch me explode, ill take half the world with me, and ill leave the other as burning embers and ashes, get up, raise up, live up, lets do this shit, lets raise hell, lets unite, lets explode, we wont back down, hell will freaze over, but the second my rage explodes, half of hell will melt, and the other half will be gone, gone with the wind, blown away, just like the world will be once im free, free of this cage, free to spread my wings, and rain hell down on earth personally, imma explode, watch me, watch yourself, ya hear me, this cage is melting, my rage is burning, I CANT WAIT TILL THE SKY EXPLODES, this other side of me, its just so lovely, cant you see, its pure insanity,

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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