6. More Than A Mate

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y/n P.O.V

“Jake, it’s not my fault. Hell, it was not my choice! I didn’t ask to be mated with Kai, it’s fate”

“You don’t know what fate is, god you really think fate can just be decided like that?” he was right there, lips so close to my own, my voice fading into whispers as he hovers over me. All these damn werewolves being taller than me. “You’re so simple minded,” he growled, his scent was becoming stronger, jealousy taking over him. “you are so much more than you know y/n” jerking himself away, pushing himself off of the tree and out of my space, he sends me a quick glance before walking off.

This is going to be a long day

It was quiet the whole way home, Jake didn’t turn back to me, his eyes always forward not even being bothered to check if I was still walking behind him. Finally arriving I see our rouge pack waiting for me outside.

“Hey guys,” I mutter, walking up to them as I watch Jake disappear. Sheepishly smiling I stand there awkwardly almost feeling like I was on trial for a crime.

“Oh, thank god, you’re safe,” face into shoulder, chest to chest, I felt heather’s sincerity as she pulled me into a hug, patting my hair almost motherly. “What happened? Why are you back?” her eyes scanned over my body as if looking for an injury so she could place her band aid on it.

“Jake, brought me back… by force,” I trailed off, watching as Matt tensed, silence was his reaction but I could see him shooting a glare off into the house.

“Come inside, I’m sure you need rest,” it was weird, Heather who I always saw as the strong one basically crumbled as her mother instinct was kicking in. Was it because I wasn’t here? At her suggestion the few rogue members made their ways inside, deciding that they would leave later, making sure I was safe. Others thought just seeing me was enough and left to their own homes.

“Let’s go,” Matt smiled. Walking in as heathers arms were still around me, they huddled in the kitchen as Jake was making himself a feed. “I know you were all worried about y/n. she’s safe. That is one thing to be happy about, the other? Fights”

My eyes shot up at him, looking around the room I can see shocked, surprised and cautious expressions. I turn to Jake, his hands holding a carton of water, pressed to his lips as he chugs it down.

“Why a fight?”

“You don’t understand y/n, news travels fast but when- “

A sudden howl came from the outside of our house, a howl that none of us could recognise. Ears twitching, we could hear the sound of trees rustling , twigs snapping, and growls forming.

“Everyone here, to your station. Protect y/n.” one by one the rouges raced out of the house as Jake, Heather and Matt surrounded around me. “Don’t shift, the ones surrounding our house are rouges, different from who we are. We gathered together because our packed fucked us over, but not these guys. You can already feel it they’re murderer’s” heather grabbed my hand as the two boys stood in front of us. They walk us outside to the scene of the action. Countless wolves stood before me. The ones that belonged here, and the others who didn’t, drool dropping from their lips. One stood out, in front smiling gleefully at me. He was in his human form and he was absolutely loving the look of terror we had on our faces.

“Ah, Kai’s mate. Name? I don’t care. Where’s your little pup?” he snorted. He rubbed his hands together, in an action that seemed he had planned this out. He paced back and forth his arms spread out welcoming his group of murderers into the scene. “if he isn’t here, all the better. There isn’t an alpha who didn’t almost die from losing their partner,” with a chuckle and a snarl my hands begin to shake. What is it about this rogue that makes my head burn?

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