chapter 1

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   chapter one, i dont like assuming or assumtions.


        I’m assuming that you want the story of my life? Why else would you be here, but whenever I assume, I end up making an ass out of myself ya know? or end up getting hurt. So, you’re here to know the story that is my life right? (i’m asking this time, not assuming so I can’t make an ass out of myself.) If so, then sorry. But you aren’t gonna get that story, that story takes to damn long. Really it does, if i told you my life story then we’d be here for how long? like, forever. Maybe i’ll tell you one day, but not now. Because like I said, that’d take too damn long. And i don’t have that much time, really i dont. wish i did, but I dont. Anyway, your not getting my life fucking story, your getting a snip it on if. Like a little scene of my life, because what happened in the two weeks your going to read about, is only a scene of a life. Seriously, a lot more shit has happened after this. Not a lot of shit, but enough to where itll all just make this situation seem like a scene. A tiny skit in the play that is my life. Not that i'd want my life turned into a play, who would want to watch that? no one! Well, i'd be assuming if i said no one would want to watch my life as in a play. And I stoped assuming. For all i know someone thats not my dad would love to watch a play about my life.

        Im getting side tracked arent I? Yeah I am, thats not good is it now? Why am I asking you a million and three fucking quiestions? I need to get on with this story before you get bored. Your probebly bored now anyway, no wait thats an assumtion. Are you bored right now? There thats a question, not an assumtion. As you can see, as clear as the waters in the caribean sea, i dont like assuming or assumtions. They get you in trouble, heart broken, pissed at the world, hurt, nothing good can come from assumtions in my opinion. Seriously think about it, when has assumtions got you places in the word? and by word I mean middle school. And by middle school, i mean the summer after 8th grade. Assuming in school is the worst, I feel like its worse if you do it in highschool. But i havent assumed in highschool yet, and ill try not to. But im human, and itll eventually happen. Maybe (hopefully) not as bad as i assumed in middle school, but it might happen. The outcome wont be as bad as it would have been if I didnt move,and ended up going to the same school as Sophie. If I did things could have gone either two ways, she would have maned the fuck up in my opinion and actually talked to me. Or, it could have been akwared and all. Since we share a lot of the same friends. I feel like she told someone about what happened that summer. If she did then she'd be being a real bitch. You dont tell people stuff like what happened between us, ya know? You just dont.

         But im not here to bash on Sophies life, seriously I'm not. She was an amazing friend and i wont bash on her life like that. No matter how bad she handled her side of the situation. Its not like i handled the situation any better, but its not like i ignored her for like a week. I also shouldnt and wont bash on kayla's life, that sure as hell wont happen. Im still friends with Kayla, even if she's my ex. She broke it off for the last time and im in no rush to get back together with her. Not to say she was a bad girlfriend! she wasnt! she was a real good one, always listened to my crap about my father and papa. Listened to me cry, knew when i was pissed. Yet she could never tell when i was lying when I said "no hun, im not pissed at you at all.". Cearly when someone says that there pissed at you. But i was never really pissed at her, just the situation i was in with her. But its over now and i actually just gave her adivice about this guy she likes now, trevor i think his name was? I dont know, i was never good with names.

        Are you slight confused? Well ill tell you a few things before i seriously get into this story, im not giving you my life story in this last paragraph. Just little bullet points so you wont ask any questions, im only going to give you about 9 bullet points;

1. Im not a lesbian, im bisexual.

2. my parents are divorced

3. one of my dads is a total jack-ass

4. im the youngest

5. im diabetic insilin pen induced

6. my older bother thinks im a lesbian

7. my other older brother thinks i have a terrible taste in music (so sorry that most of the music i listen to doesnt revolve around bottles and bitches bro)

8. i tend to rant

9. i also tend to think somethings worse than it actually is

Thats it really, now i can get on with the real story. oh, also, im 14 and not a virgin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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