Chapter 1!!

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I do not own teen wolf of its cast but do own Samantha Ellie, and Thomas.


I woke up in my freezing cold bed room, it was like laying down in a freezer. Of coarse it's kinda my fault I'm cold because I go to sleep in a big long sleeve t-shirt and underwear. I get up and put my feet on the rickety floors and walked to my dresser. I grabbed my blanket. I wrapped it around me, and walked down stairs trying to be quiet so I don't wake anybody up. I saw a light shining through the hall from down the hallway. It was probably Scott. I walk up to him while he is digging in the fridge and I give him a hug. He said, "jeez Sam your freezing." While giving me a hug back.

"I know I'm so cold right now." I said while shivering.

"Why are you so cold?" He asked me thinking I knew the answer.

"I don't know, maybe because it's freezing in this old house." I say with sarcasm in my voice.

We lived in an old rickety two story house in small town Beacon Hills California. We have lived here since I was born.

I walked back up to my room with Scott and went back to sleep. It was 4:30 a.m. in the morning and I woke up screaming and my arm was bleeding and had a bullet hole through my bicep. Scott ran in the room, grabbed me, hugged me and kept saying, "it's ok, it's ok. Shshsh."

I hugged him, he saw my arm bleeding and he said, "what happened?"

"I don't know all of a sudden I saw this guy in what looked like the police station, and he shot me." I said very shocked and crying.

"Are you okay?" He said worried.

"No. It's not healing. What's wrong with me." I started freaking out.

"What do you mean it's not healing." He said shocked.

Scott didn't know I was an omega wolf, you can only be an omega wolf if ur born wolf or unless ur power has been taken from you. I showed Scott my eyes, by accident because I was in so much pain, and he said "what the hell! how is this possible."

Mom ran in the room and sat on my bed and saw my arm. Scott told her she had some explaining to do and she gave us that look like what did she do wrong.

Mom knew Scott was a wolf but not me. I'm screaming and crying then I accidentally show her my eyes. "How is that possible?" She asked Scott.

"She's a born wolf."

"How? Why are her eyes half purple, half blue?"

"Because of you she was born a wolf and we know your not a werewolf so whose her dad?"

I started freaking out because I'm not just a wolf. I'm something else too.

"I'm completely positive that her dad is ur dad." She told him.

"Apparently not because she's an omega."

"Well I don't know who then, because I'm pretty sure I didn't get pregnant by a werewolf."

I start screaming and Scott says, "well maybe she's like Melia two supernatural's in one."

I screamed again and said, "What is happening to me?" My eyes are glowing and I start transforming uncontrollably.

Scott is holding me down on the bed because I tried to kill mom. Then his claws dig in to my skin in my bullet wound and I scream even louder, and turn back to normal. I start crying. Mom hugged me and said "it's ok we will ask Derek."

Scott called Derek and took me on his dirt bike to the loft. Scott. grabbed me off his bike and carried me up to the loft. I tried to walk and as soon as I get in the door I loose consciousness. I fall and Derek runs to me. scott tries to catch me buts it's to late I'm on the floor bleeding out. Derek picks me up and carries me to the table. I feel the cold icy table against my back and I freak out. the table was like laying down on a freezer door. I wake up with claws, teeth, and my eyes changed to the purple, blue color. Derek looked at my eyes as I scratched the crap out of him. as soon as I woke up I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. I wanted to feel his bones and muscles rip and crack between my fingers and feel his flesh torn with my teeth. Scott tried to grab me but I attacked Derek. I scratched Derek's arm over and over then I started to feel dizzy then Scott grabbed me as I fell backwards. I lost consciousness. I awaken again and I have Derek holding my arm.

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