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    Change began to appear rapidly in the village of Nevaeh as Jose brought the light back into the Warriors' and Crimsons' eyes. Many were dragged down from the weight of their shame, but Jose taught them that what was in the past, was in the past, and the only time that ever exists, is now. History is gone, faded away, and the future is a mystery, unseen, untouched and nonexistent. A large amount of Crimsons had dedicated their lives to serve the King, leaving their old lives behind. Now, the majority of the population in Nevaeh were Warriors, outnumbering the Crimsons. Of course, Lucifer was furious. In the villain's lair, the fallen angels, demons, and Drogllo were fearfully hiding away, being sure not to get in Lucifer's way who was in a fiery rage.

"How could this happen?!" Lucifer roared, saliva shooting out from his mouth, his fangs appearing every time he snarled. "I planned my attack step by step and it was perfect! But of course, the King would send his son to destroy all my plans! Of course!" Lucifer spun around, narrowing his eyes as he searched for Drogllo, who was trembling behind a black marble pillar on the left side of the room.

"I know you're there, Drogllo! Come out you filthy animal!"

Drogllo dared not disobey his master, so he flew out from behind the pillar, his black wings shuddering, torn from the many times Lucifer's claws ripped through the thick leather.

"I'm here, your majesty," Drogllo answered, trying his utmost best to sound strong and stable like the dragon his master expected him to be.

"I need to think of another plan. A plan that will prosper. A plan that this "prince" won't destroy," Lucifer announced.

"Yes, of course, your majesty," Drogllo said, bowing his head. Lucifer lay a critical eye on his small dragon.

"Bring Coakley," Lucifer demanded. Coakley was one of the great fallen angels. One of the evilest fallen angels at that.

Drogllo bowed once again and scurried off. Lucifer stood silently in the dark room, staring with eyes of coal at the glass sphere placed neatly on a dark, smooth marbled stand. The sphere had shown Lucifer all he needed to know about the upbringing of Nevaeh. Now, it glowed a bluish aura, waiting for a request to escape into any continent of the world. Lucifer nearly smacked the sphere off the stand in anger. Of course, he wouldn't or the glass would shatter. Instead, he roared, and lept across the room to one of the marble pillars and slashed his claws on the surface, creating a horrible sound. Drogllo hurried in, just then, panting. Coakley was behind him.

"Majesty! Is everything alright?" Drogllo exclaimed. Lucifer growled, ready rip Drogllo's head off. Ready to rip anyone's head off. He turned around slowly, baring his terrifying fangs. Drogllo shuddered, but Coakley remained stable, staring defiantly into Lucifer's black eyes.

"Leave us, Drogllo," Lucifer ordered, and Drogllo hurried out, a soft whimper escaping through his mouth.

"You have summoned me, your majesty?" Coakley asked, bowing.

"Yes. The King's son has been sent down to the humans to "bring them back up again". No matter what I do, the King always seems to find a way to put my work to death. I must do something so deceiving that not even Jose will notice. Something that will fool them all," Lucifer said through his teeth. "You are one of the keenest and brilliant fallen angels I have. You will not fail to think of something that would ruin the Warriors once and for all."

"Yes, your majesty. But what of the Crimsons?" Coakley asked.

"We have no need to attack the Crimsons. They are already disobeying the King's rules and acting with rebellion as I have persuaded them to. It is the Warriors and the Warriors only that we must destroy. Persuasion may have worked, but Jose twisted it into good. They must be wiped out."

Lucifer looked curiously at the fallen creature before him. 

"There was a certain Warrior I mett when I attacked Nevaeh. It was a girl. But she was different from the others. She is a smart one. Perhaps...perhaps I shall lay my weapons on her. She is one of the Warriors that needs to be struck down the most."

Coakley stared hard at the sphere, and reached deep into his mind, collecting all the dark remnants of ideas from the depths of his brain.

"Your majesty..." Coakley said slowly, and idea forming like a dark cloud in his mind. And then an evil smile crossed his face. A very evil smile. And Lucifer knew then, that whatever Coakley had thought of, it was perfect, and that he must act on it quickly.

"What if you disguised yourself as an innocent homeless boy...around the age of Adriel. What if you deceive her and many other Warriors. What if you befriend her, grab information from her in the friendship. You will be able to cast spells on her mind, tricking her, and perhaps you will even deceive Jose," Coakley said.

Lucifer smiled wickedly. "You are brilliant. And I will do just that. Just that. Surely then, the kingdom of Nevaeh will fall. And the King's own people will turn against him. And he will lose the throne. And then...I will be King."

Delighted by his plan, Lucifer threw his head back, opened his mouth, fangs gleaming in the light, and howled and roared until it awoke every evil creature in his lair.

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