Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love

My breath was running short as I slid around the corner just up ahead I could see the house, I look back to see if they were following me, it was clear. As I walked up to the house Raven open the door with a stern look on her face, “What?” I asked with a innocent look on my face, “Where were you!?!?” she asked with a worried look. “I have been out” I said still playing innocent trying to keep the smirk of my face. “Ok” Raven said with sarcasm in her voice, “Where were you really?” “Ok ok I will tell you as long as you don’t freak out” I said in a calm voice “Ok now I’m worried” she said a little unsure if she wanted to know, “Ok umm…. I kinda umm.. Drank from Shane’s neck” I said nervously. “O.M.G Elizabeth how could you do that!??!” Raven said in anger and worry. “Its ok he is fine I kinda knocked him out before I did” I said trying to calm her down. “ Oh, ok then.. That makes it sooo much better Elizabeth!!!!” Raven said sarcastically, “Hey look on the bright side at lease he wont remember anything!” Raven’s eyes narrowed as she started to walk toward me menacingly, a hiss escaping her lips. “Whoa calm down we are all we got now u wouldn’t hurt your only sister know would you?” I said in a questioning voice. “……No” Raven sighed as she put her right arm over my shoulders her purple eyes looking into my red ones. Now before we move on let me introduce our self , My name is Elizabeth (Liz) Evergreen and my sister is Raven (Rae) Evergreen, We both are vampire me and my sister have been alone most of our life’s our parents were killed by vampire slayers so it just us. My sister is actually my twin except we are opposites I’m what you would call emo and Raven is so bubbly. (Seriously it’s weird) Raven is a red haired girl who loves to wear camo shirts and pants with camo converse, She is very nice then most vampires in the world she haves a soft spot from animals especially cats, She also has the most beautiful purple eyes (It is very rare color to have) . Now I’m a completely different story, I have Jet black hair and ruby red eyes and I love to wear Black veil brides t-shirts, skinny jeans and black converse. I also have a cruel sense of humor and enjoy others pain. ( Unless it’s the people I love, which are very few). Me and my sister are 18 and living among the humans in New York city just blending in trying to survive and not be discovered and killed. “Its late we need to get to sleep because we need to shop for clothes tomorrow so we have stuff to wear to school.” I said yawning, “Ok” Raven said yawning too. ( Yawns are contagious you know). “Good night” I said giving her a g-night hug and kiss. “Night big sis” she said doing the same, then heading to her room which was right across from mine.

(Raven’s POV)

I walked into my room and shut the door after saying good night to Liz. I walked over to my red-wood dresser and scooped up my white and Carmel colored cat(jasper) and climbed into bed. Snuggling into my red and black blanket, I stared at my midnight blue walls covered with Justin Bieber posters, then at my glow in the dark star covered ceiling thinking of the awful thing Elizabeth did tonight and how if she slipped up one more time I was going to kick her ass. Until I drifted off to sleep with Jasper purring at my side.

CHAPTER 2(Normal POV.)

The next morning I woke up with my black blanket wrapped around my leg and my face buried in my purple pillow, As I sat up I heard a yawn from my pet wolf who’s coat was as dark as the night sky looked at my with his bright blue eyes. “Good morning Andy” I said with a smile as I got up from my bed and look at the clock. “8:00 already damn…oh will might as well wake up Raven” I said to myself as I open my door and walk across the hall to her door. “RAVEN WAKE YOUR ASS UP WE HAVE A BUSY DAY TODAY!!!!!” I yelled though the door. “I’m up I’m up geez” I heard in response. I smirked as I walked back into my room, I walk over to my closet and pick out some clothes to wear for the day. I pulled out a plain black shirt with dark skinny jean, black bra and panties, and black converse. I stop and look around my room it was painted white with a black dead look tree with Johnny (from Johnny the homicidal maniac book) leaning on the tree, And on my other wall was full of posters from different types of band but mostly BVB, and in the corner of my room was my desk with my custom made laptop that has the BVB logo. I then turned around out the door and down the hall to take a shower. After 20mins in the shower I heard Raven bang on the door, “Liz hurry the hell up your using up all the hot water I gotta take a shower too damn it!!!” she yelled. “Ok calm down I gotta get change geez!!!” I yelled back. 5mins later I walked out “Ok you can go now lil sis.” I said with a smile on my face. “ Damn! Finally I’m a hundred years old” Raven said rolling her eyes, walking past me to the bathroom. “Actually you are a hundred years old” I mumbled under my breath knowing she could hear. “WATEVER!!!!” Raven screamed from the bathroom. I laughed as I walked to my room to listen to music. As I waited for Raven to get done with her shower I blasted Sleeping with Sirens on my ipod while I got on quizilla to read some story out of boredom. The most popular story were most love story about humans falling in love and dieing old together pity human I envy them sometimes because they don’t have to worry about getting caught and killed plus they even got to love who ever they want. Some of the night world people went out to find a normal human being to spend there rest of there life’s with but for vampire is a different story we had rules to breed with are own kind and if u break the rules they are sentence to death. “ What’s with the thoughts of breeding with humans?” Raven asked standing in my doorway her hair in perfect red curls falling past her shoulders. “ What did I tell you about reading my mind Raven Marie Evergreen!!!” I said firmly and in my best big sister voice. “ Sorry I forgot” she said sarcastically “ummhmm if you say so” I said rolling my eyes “ Are u ready to go?” I asked changing the topic. “Yep, waiting on you” Raven said. I grabbed my keys and flinted down the stairs pushing the thoughts of forbidden love with humans away, as if that would ever happen to me or Raven.( Or so I thought) I walked to my blue, 2009 Mercedes Benz that faded to black at night, with Raven already in the passenger seat looking impatient. We drove to willow creek mall and shuffled out slowly, knowing if we moved at our natural speed it would scare the shit out of the humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2012 ⏰

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