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She sat leaning against the tree as Baekhyun let himself down onto the grass. Moving her arm aside, he laid his head onto her lap as he smile sweetly up to her. She gently combed her fingers through his hair, smiling in return

"Just close your eyes and go to sleep, you deserve it." she said in a soft soothing tone.

He nodded, pretending to close his eyes. She gently smacked his cheek, seeing that he was squinting his eyes, just to peek up at her. With a yelp, he grabbed her hand, pouting as he held it close to his heart.

"I just want to see your face before falling asleep." He finally closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Her lap was the most comfortable pillow for his head to rest. With her left hand in his, she used her right to softly massage his head so he could sleep better.

"Can you sing for me?" Baekhyun hummed, feeling at peace.

"Hello, you came to me, giving me your shy scent. In my hazy dream, you were shining, dazzling. With a fluttering heart, without knowing, I went to you, step by step and I stayed by your side..." She began to sing as Baekhyun giggled quietly to himself that she was singing his song.

Soon enough she could hear the little whimpers Baekhyun makes every time before he falls asleep. Not too long after, she could hear him breathing steadily as he was in dreamland, safe and sound in her lap. He was too adorable, sleeping like a child as his hand loosened from holding hers. She couldn't resist wanting to kiss him. As gently as she could, she leaned down pressing her lips to the bridge of his nose. It was her favorite place to kiss him.

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