You got to be kidding me!

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Cameron's POV

I was shocked

Allison looked so pretty, I even thought she lied about that date just to make me jealous

I knew where they were going to go so thought maybe I should ruin it (cams face:😏)

Allison's POV

We got there and it was big.

I saw a big table with 4 seats

Brooklyn took my hand and escorted me to that table

Here he said

I smiled thanks

The others should be coming any minute he said

So he began tell me about yourself

I love being active and lazy I said and laughed

I love shopping I travel often, love kids I smiled that's about all

What about you? I asked

I like to play football or soccer he said I have a sister I love I smiled me to

Every time someone came in the door rang

This time it did but so thing was telling me to look, I turned about I froze

You got to be kidding me I whispered

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