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Beverly POV-
I walk away, dragging my feet and giggling like a fool, knowing I just kissed BILL! I felt jumpy and happy but then it hit me. I won't see him for another year. My stupid dad haddd to die-wait no that's so insensitive of me, plus I should feel guilty or some-what responsible, but I don't. I feel relieved but sorrowful but I know it was for the better. If my dad was still alive I would probably be in Bills arms right now, taking in his scent... God that sounds so good right now. Even though if stayed here I would be in a abusive household but that's not possible anymore which comforts me.
Are you still my little girl?
That disgusting voice of his rang through my head. I hate to leave this place behind but I'll come back soon. The loser club doesn't know that yet but I do and god I cannot wait to see the look on their faces. I start to skip to my house to grab my luggage. I open the door to my cab to the airport. I turn around. I smell the fresh but rotten air. I absorb it's creepy vibe. I gag a bit knowing the plumage sucks but it was my peaceful goodbye to Derry. I'll be back. Just you wait. Just you wait

TIME SKIP-2 years- The loser club is now 14-15
The car ride felt the same as every other car ride in the world but this was different. This is my home. Exactly where I belong. In Derry. I wonder how everything was without their neighborhood slut, the one who did every guy in the loser club. I giggle to my self, that's what everyone thinks! I would never do anybody! I think.. I giggle again. The taxi driver seemed already sick of me but I don't care! I laugh some more just to realize this is a Derry taxi driver god I hope he doesn't remember my face later on. I remember my drawings of Bill while I was gone, I had one of his colognes while he was gone so I never forgot his scent. I remember staying up late thinking about Bill or even wanting to call. I knew how creepy it was but it made me feel like I never left, but I knew I did, things might be different now. 9th grade. Jesus christ...
"Oh, um... Mr. taxi driver? A turn right here." I grin to him my famous Beverly grin it was a toothy smile but it's the one everyone loves.
"Okay, Beautiful" replies the suddenly now creepy driver.
I smile a lip locked smile, trying to hide my discomfort.
"Alright here's were we part ways m'lady" he shout, I think he's deaf but I giggle politely then pay him

Time goes by so fast...
I finish unpacking but I take my time scared to see what my former-or just friends I guess have become , I smile to my Aunt,
"Auntie, can I go see my friends? Will be back soon!" I shout to my Aunt, she's all the way in the other room but i'm sure she can hear
"Sure be back my seven o'clock!" she yells back
"Okay heading out now" I stumble out the house slightly rushing to see my friends. I grab my bike I just bought while procrastinating to see my friends. I check my watch, 1:56-so basically 2:00. My hair blew in the wind. I smiled knowing it grew 12 inches which is crazy but it makes sense since hair grows back 1/2 inch a month. My hair's now a little more than past my boob. I'm happy now that it's grown to the same height it used to be. I turn my bike torwards the quarry and I see bikes scattered around. Here. They're here. I get nervous but I still walk towards the cliff. I see them lined up all wearing only underwear, gross but whatever. If I see them spit I'm turning around. Who am I kidding i'm gonna seize this opportunity. I strip down to my underwear, kicking my overalls behind me. I grimace at my batman undies but glad about my cute bra.
" I'll jump if you wuss' won't!" they all turn around my with their mouths wide open. I hope they're happy to see me and not because of my newfound boobs
"Be-Beverly?!" studders Bill. God I missed his stutter. I run and jumped off the cliff. They got upped by a girl ahahahhaah-again! I felt my body hit the water then submerge

Will update frequently! ❤️

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