Boardwalk Blitz

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Luna looked at her martyr of a sister and shook her head. She was still pouting about the security guard from the night before. The man should have known better than to touch her mate. She felt strong arms come around her waist and the smell of leather and cigarettes making her smile. "What's got my princess in such a mood?" He asked teasingly. "Why don't you come with me and I'll help you put a smile back on your face?" He whispered in her ear. She simply nodded and let him lead her to their room.

"Go ahead without us!" He called to the others of their group. She could feel the judging eyes of her twin on her back burning a hole. She simply flipped her off behind her back and continued on her way. Her sister had made her bed, now she had to lie in it. Granted, her sister's didn't come with love and a stunning mate, but Star had chose to drink just as she had.

The biggest difference though, was that Luna had no trouble with what she had become. She had killed the beach trash with her mate the same night she had first consumed David's blood. For their gypsy heritage, her sister had none of the adventuring spirit.

Enough thoughts of her sister however. There was a blond head between her legs that needed her attention.

Later that night
There was a jazz musician of some sort playing as Luna and David pulled up to their pier. The boys had waited under the entrance of the pier for their leader and his mate. Rather than make her blush their catcalling caused her to give a curtsy. Making David and the others laugh and David to wrap her in his arms.

"Are we eating tonight, gentlemen?" She asked. Looking at the others since David was behind her with his head resting on her shoulder. His kiss on her neck did wonderful things to her body. "Guys, we get it you're new mates." Marco said teasingly. "But can you stop scaring the children?" He said making a motion to themselves. Luna laughed and looked at her family with a smile. "The kids don't like to see mommy and daddy kissing, David." She said with a glint in her eyes that made David proud.

"Well, you do call me Daddy." He told her with a wink. The others made fake gagging noises while she and David laughed and finally let up on them. "Alright, Alright!" David said taking his leadership position. "Let's do this while the concert is on. No one will hear the screams." He pointed out smartly. "Are Star and Laddy on the boardwalk?" She asked the guys who had brought them. At their boss she turned to David, "Lead the way, Sir." She said huskily. His growl made her grin and the others a bit uneasy.

David was their leader and would never mean to hurt them. His first priority now was his mate though. Max had explained it to them all when they found Star and Luna months ago. David had felt a pull to them, the fact they were identical twins seeming to confuse his instincts at first. When he had gotten close he could easily tell that it was Luna that was his to keep. The others had thought it would be more difficult to tell them apart but if the fact that Luna was never far from David didn't give it away then their behaviors certainly did.

Luna had always been more in touch with their Romanian upbringing as well. The fact she spoke the language gave the guys no end of laughter. She would say the most mundane things in Romanian and send them into laughter at the "proper vampire language". They always teased she was more qualified than them to be vampires. She couldn't deny that she loved everything about her change. The killing she didn't enjoy, but she likened it to eating a cow. Her victims were always men that preyed on the weak so she felt no remorse.

After quickly rounding up some dinner they made their way onto the boardwalk. She told the guys to wait while she checked in with Max, but when have they ever listened to her. She shook her head ruefully and let David pull her into the video store. She saw their master talking to a sweet looking woman. She knew the look in his eyes, she had it every time she looked at David.

She tried not to squeal in her joy, if anyone deserved happiness it was Max. He had found a group of boys that needed help and made a family that she now called hers. She listened as they spoke and sighed happily. Max caught sight of the boys however and was angry. "I told you not to come in here anymore." He said sternly. She quickly stepped forward and made sure to hide any accent. "I'm so sorry, Uncle Max! I came to say hello and they insisted on coming in." She wasn't above throwing them under he bus while giving Max an out as well.

The look David gave her made her smirk. Max sighed and calmed at the sight of his "daughter". "I understand, Luna. But in the future try harder." He said softly. She quickly nodded and shooed the guys outside. She walked up to the woman Max was speaking to and help out her hand. "I'm so sorry we interrupted your conversation." She said politely. "I'm Luna, Max's niece, and those men were my boyfriend and his friends. I'm afraid Uncle Max isn't too fond of them." She said ruefully playing it up and giving Max a smile.

"Well, I wish my children were half as polite as you. I'm Lucy." The woman said shaking her hand. "Well Ms. Lucy, I'll leave you in the very capable hands of my uncle and go make sure those boys don't cause any trouble. Bye, Thorn." She said with a smile and nod to them both. Lucy seemed charmed by her and her uncle looked proud. She walked outside where she saw the guys waiting for her.

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