The Crimson BLOOD

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"Of course I'm going tell the court I didn't do it Tyson, but the police found evidence against me." Tyson is my cell mate - A very annoying one.

It was obvious that I could have killed the man but what was my motive. Tyson kept on asking my motive. I wouldn't tell. Tyson was known for telling the warden things about his cell mates. The cell mate before me got put on death row cause he spoke. Tyson would be put on death row if he didn't gather any information for the warden.

"Tyson, for the last time, I am not going to tell you. You are just gonna run to the warden and get me put on death row!" "No, I am not gonna tell the warden", he argued. We did this for a couple of minutes before he finally excepted the fact that I wasn't gonna tell him the secret motive.

That night I couldn't help but thinking of the incident. The dark starry night,almost magical,that's when the man was walking down the street,a cut oozing a little blood. When I saw this something clicked inside me,as if the cut had triggered a maniac. This maniac liked seeing this man bleed he. wanted to see more of the blood. I tried to restrain but like the hulk an alter ego formed...a murderous one! 

I woke up in terror and saw that Tyson was still awake, singing off key-and terrible. He kept singing as it annoyed and annoyed me the maniac came out and said sternly"If you don't stop singing like a banshee I will break your nose!" Immediately he clenched his nose and crawled under his thin blanket. As peaceful silence filled the room I went to sleep. As I dazed back into my dream.

In my dream it felt as if I were watching myself. I was at the sight of the the man. I had a blood stained knife in my right hand. As I watched myself raise the knife at this man I tried to stop myself but I couldn't move. As the blood from the man splattered in what this maniac thought was art. The satisfaction of seeing this man perish was great for the maniac a horrific grin filled his face and a laugh to go with it.

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