1 - 𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀

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Author's! POV

Once again, it was the morning of Monday, meaning you had school. You awaken from your sleep and arise from bed, quickly walking into your washroom and fixing yourself up. You put on your uniform after washing your face and brushing your teeth, then doing your hair. After you were done, you grabbed your backpack, phone, and purse, then rushed downstairs and out the front door, walking to school.

Your name is Lee Haerin, You're nineteen, born on March 12th, 1994, and you're single. You're multi-talented- being able to fight, rap, sing, and dance. You're a good cook and pretty smart. You live with your father as your mother and sister past away, you're constantly abused by your father who has been doing so for many years. Your best friend is girl by the name of Hyuna and she's the only one of knowledge of what you go through.

Haerin's! POV

Immediately after walking by my locker, Hyuna swings by, greeting me with a smile. "Hey Hae!" she says, clearly enthusiastic about something. "Hi Hyuna!" I smile back. "Did you hear about the new guys? There's seven of them. They're pretty hot, to be honest." She chuckles. I laugh. "Nah, this is my first time hearing about them. But they might be cool." I shrug. "Well, I know how you're mainly friends with guys- they could become your friends." Hyuna replies. "Possibly." We start walking to our first periods which were right next to each other. "They're also throwing a party!" She exclaims. "I don't know about you, but I'm definitely attending."

"No surprise there." I chuckle as we make it to the classroom doors. "Haeeee, go with me." she pouts. "I might." I grin, before we part ways as the bell rings.
I sit at my desk, noticing the presence of 3 new kids inside the classroom. If these are the boys Hyuna was talking about, then fuck, she was right about them being hot.
One of the boys caught me staring and smirked, causing me to look away. Nice, Haerin. Nice.


At lunch, Hyuna rushes over to our usual table, sitting next to me. "Hey, Hae! Did you see any of the boys?" Hyuna asked me. "Yes, I saw three of them." I replied. "Damn, I only saw one." She says. "Well," I turn, "Don't freak out, but they're walking over." Her eyes widened.

The seven boys made it to the table, asking "Can we sit with you ladies?" once they did. Hyuna and I allowed them to do so. They introduced themselves as Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jeongguk.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Lee Haerin!" I introduce myself. "And I'm Kim Hyuna."

"Would you girls like to attend our party tomorrow night? It's from 7 to 12." Namjoon asked. "I'm down." Hyuna says, looking at me. "Uh, I might." I said. I'd love to attend, but I'm not quite sure if my father would allow me, or if it's worth the consequences of getting caught sneaking out.

"You might?" Hyuna frowns, but understands. "Yeah, I might be able to make it, might not." I shrug. "We hope you're able." Seokjin smiles.

The nine of us chatted, slowly becoming aquainted with one another. Soon, it was time for our next period, which I had with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. Us four made it to music as the bell rang.

"Hello class. Today we're going to be working on an unique project with the dancers of the school that some of you are, which makes this better and easier." Mrs. Lee looks at Hoseok and I.

"We're going to be having a mini concert at the school, performance by only the best, most talented students here." She explained how the event would be held as soon as possible in the auditorium of the school. The performers would have to be able to sing or rap and dance well enough.

"No ones been forced to do so, which is why anyone and everyone interested is to come to the schools dance studio this evening after school."

Sweet, I'm hella down for it.


As I neared the exit of the campus, Jungkook and Hyuna ran to me. "Oh, you first, Jungkook. I've got a lot to say." Hyuna says. Jungkook nods. "Hey, could I get your number to give to the guys? We want to talk later." Jungkook asks. "Sure." I replied, giving him my number. "Thanks!" The boy beamed, dashing off out of sight.

Hyuna sighed. "Something wrong Hyuna?" I ask. "Listen.. I know I'm the worst for just now telling you this, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Haerin, I'm moving to America with my family tomorrow. My father's got a job there so I've got to come with my family." Hyuna looks me in the eye, tears forming her own.

"O-oh.." I mumble. What was I supposed to say to that? Hearing that I wouldn't see my best friend again for god knows how long. "I'm so sorry, Hae! I really should've been told you this, I just couldn't!" She cries, hugging me. "Its okay, Hyuna." I hold back tears. "I'll miss you." She says. "I'll miss you too."

a/n: lmao this book is hella old and has been in my drafts for CENTURIES. i mean i slightly changed up a few things but it still looks like i wrote it in 2019, so the only for me to save it completely is to actually REWRITE the story but i only have time to alter a few things.

once again, this story is OLD so if there are some weird things that you read just know this is what i wrote literally last year or so and i was just ... yeah back then. so if you're reading this, then i rlly got some type of confidence or sum!

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