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Mitch turned to Kirstie. "I'll be right back," he said.

"Going to Beau?" she asked.


Beau was waiting in a classroom near the entrance to the school. Mark and Mason were with him. Mitch smiled. "Thank you both," he said to Mark and Mason. "Pay up," Mason replied, holding out his hand. Mitch sighed, and withdrew two hundred-dollar bills from his pocket. He handed one to each boy, and they both grinned and ran off.

Mitch turned to Beau, and hugged him tightly. "This is good," he said. "Some quality time. I'll probably be working every day after school. This may be the last time for a while that we get to be alone together."

"It's a good thing we met those two," Beau told him. Mitch nodded.


Mark walked up behind Scott, and touched his shoulder. Scott jumped, then turned, facing him. Mark grinned. "That was satisfying," he said. Scott rolled his eyes. 

"Where were you?" he demanded. "We've been searching for you!"

"We were exploring," Mason responded. That wasn't strictly a lie. They had, in fact, done some exploring. But, then they had retreated to the classroom they were hiding in.

The two had met Mitch and Kirstin at a meet-and-greet. Mitch had taken them aside, one by one, and had informed them that he was not dating Kirstin. He actually had a boyfriend, who he wouldn't get to see very much during the school year. They wanted some quality time before the school year. There was a day that was just perfect. They could explore the school together, and enjoy being together, just as friends. They could then distract everyone else, so that Beau could have have an excuse to disappear.

Mitch would then find him where they had agreed to meet, and pay them for their services. Mitch and Beau could have at least a few minutes together, and that had to be enough. They could decide what to do, and how to be together.

Mark didn't tell Scott about any of this. Mitch would tell him eventually. Right now, Scott was sure that Mitch was not only straight, but dating Kirstin. The news that Mitch was gay and had a boyfriend would surprise him, and he would probably have a surprised enough reaction that other people could figure it out just from the reaction. Most people probably didn't even know that celebrities would be going here. They would most likely freak out if the news got out. And that was one secret they felt the need to keep. And so, it would be kept. For the time being, at least.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Let's go find the others," he said.

As the three of them headed off, Mason leaned over to Mark. "Should we tell him?" he whispered.

Mark silently shook his head.

"No," he whispered back. "For now, this is one secret we have to keep."

"We don't have to do anything," Mason told him. "Also, there's more than one secret."

Mark sighed. "Yeah," he agreed. "Those two sure do have a lot of secrets, don't they?"

"Yeah," Mason agreed. "They sure do."


I like this chapter. Hopefully it makes sense. Let me know if not. Also, I'll try to upload things a little bit faster. I used to upload long chapters every couple of days. I'll try to return to doing that. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this!

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