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I found my old wattpad account and I swear to god just reading the first chapter makes me want to die!!! But I legit am disgusted by my old story! The even funnier thing is my aunt was following my account and read EVERYTHING I posted and would text me saying how good it was, SHE'S A COLLEGE TEACHER and she said it was good! Life lesson children don't lie to people about there wattpad being good just be true about it !! Also, do your homework, I forgot to finish mine and now I'm probably gonna get a zero yayyyyy!!!!!! And maybe don't read/write wattpad on the bus, the high schoolers saw me writing chapter 5 of ten hours and were shook as fuck, they were all yelling "ooohhh she's writing (insert curse word) " why can't they mind there own business?!?!? Also, my tablet won't charge and it's at 6 percent, so yayyyyh!

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