You're probably not going to read this, but I'll type it anyway.

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S*** started going down ever since I started playing DOTA 2. If you don't know what that is, go look it up. Seriously.


I'll wait.

Oh, and look at Riki (just do it)

Okay, now that you're back I can tell you sincerely that I hate the hero Riki/Rikimaru.

HE IS SOOOOO ANNOYING AND SOOOO STUPID I'VE ALMOST THROWN MY COMPUTER AT THE WALL! All he does is get to lvl 6, farm some crap DPS item and run around like: "I'M FUCKING INVIS BITCHES!" pfft scrublords. Riki is the ultimate pubstomp character and he's just plain stupid. In fact, the only reason he has such a high win rate is because he's only played in low level smurf accounts and noobs don't know how to deal with him. Actually, now that I think about it, Riki sucks. The only way he can kill you is if you turn you back to him because one of his skills buffs his damage if he attacks from the back. Scrubs are stupid and just try to run. That's not how you fight RIki. You dust him and right-click. He is VEEEERY SQUISHY! It takes like one nuke and a few auto-attacks to kill him. JOIN THE MOVEMENT!

STOP RIKI! (oh and Batrider's useless)

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