Dark. Too dark. Cold, dark, damp, and smelly. I covered my nose with my sleeve, taking a deep breath before breaking out into a coughing fit. I stood up, my hand pressing into the soft damp ground, dirt. I felt around for the wall, my hand eventually hitting the cold stone surface with a loud slapping sound. I tried to focus in on something, anything. I saw a small light a bit ahead. I felt my pockets for my phone, finding nothing but some receipts and a lighter, i gripped the lighter.
I flicked it in between my fingers and it lit up, casting a few small shadows here and there. It wasn't very bright, but it was going to have to work. I began to slowly work my way forward, feeling the space ahead of me with my foot. "Slow and steady wins the race," I whispered. As i felt my way towards the light, i failed to miss something lying on the ground and tripped over my feet. I hit the dirt with a soft thud. "Ow"
I muttered under my breath, forcing myself back up. I heard a sound, kind of like paws hitting the ground. I snapped my head in the direction of the sound. "Who's there?"
"Where are you going, Little Lamb?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"
This time it came from a different place, closer. I held my light out in that direction, trying to see the owner of the voice. "Must you leave me so soon?"
I saw two large furry paws on the floor ahead of me. I gulped, lifting the lighter more. While attempting to see his face, the lighter went out. I cursed as I heard the stranger move once again. "I don't know what you're talking about... Show yourself!""I've been watching you, Little Lamb. You... Fascinate me..."
I heard him step closer, I frantically tried to relight the lighter. "Who are you? What do you mean 'watching you?' Are you a stalker?? Are you going to kill me? How am I fascinating anyways? I'm just a poor loser with no friends. What do you want from me?""You mundanes and your questions... just take the compliment, Little Lamb..."
"Stop calling me that!" I yelled, feeling like I was calling out into a dark and empty void.
Just then, the lighter was brought back to life, and I saw him. I saw it. I saw the wolf. He was staring at me with his whiskey brown eyes. As I flinched back and dropped my only source of light, I heard it hit the floor and closed my eyes tightly, swallowing in regret.
I heard him shift, then a small flicker of a flame spawned in the air. He had picked up the lighter and was attempting to light it with his furry monstrosities for hands. I heard him growl before i felt him gently press it against my chest. I grabbed it as he dropped his paw and retreated to another spot in the endless hallway. I heard a small click sound, and covered my eyes as the room was risen from the dead and filled with bright light.
As I blinked away the darkness in my vision, I saw him standing a little ways away, watching me. I met his eyes and he looked away. "What do you want from me..?"
"You fascinate me"
"That doesn't answer my question"
"I want you to stay, Little Lamb."I gulped, looking at him. "S-Stay? For how long?! I- What about my little sister? And my mum- My mum must be worried sick!"
He took a few steps towards me, I stepped back. His expression saddened, but he took another step forward nonetheless. He extended out his big paw, holding in it my phone. I rushed forward and took it, quickly dialing my mum's number. "Mum!"
She worriedly began to question me, the usual questions of course. "Mum, I'm fine. Send h-" I looked at the wolf's sad expression and sighed, gulping. "I need to go though, i'm at..- I'm at a friend's house. I might not be home for a while. She needs me here... I'll call sometime to check in, okay? Okay, I love you too, mum. Bye"
I hesitated, wondering if I had made a mistake. The wolf, however, seemed harmless. He stood there in the shadows of the lit room, watching me still. He had backed up after handing me my phone, for which I was grateful. I looked back at him, attempting to hold his gaze. Minutes passed and I still couldn't manage to lock eyes with him. I sighed as he looked away again.
"I'm sorry, Lamb..."
I looked back at him again. "For what?" I hadn't meant to ask it, but I did.
"I had no intentions of frightening you, and if you really want to leave... I will let you. It just gets so lonely out here, and you are so fascinating...I- I couldn't help it." The wolf mumbled slowly, voice containing a low growl in his throat.
I hesitated, gulping, before taking a step forward and gripping his paw. I looked up at his amber eyes, pressing my cell-phone into his palm. His paw was almost three times the size of my hand, and I couldn't help but stop and admire the fact. "I'll stay with you, dear wolf..."
His eyes lit up. He picked me up and started carrying me off. I yelped and began panicking. I eventually relaxed playing with his fluffy tail mindlessly. At first he yanked it away, causing me to pout. I whined and he sighed, allowing it to come back into my grasp.
I giggled happily, and suddenly I realized what was happening. I was slipping. My little side was breaking free and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't slip- not at such a dangerous moment... but I couldn't stop myself. "Wowlfie~" He stopped walking, chuckling as he slipped me off his shoulder and held me out in front of him.
"What did you say little lamb?"I giggled again, speaking in a higher voice. "Wowlfie~" I reached out and rubbed his snout. "Pwetty"
The wolf smiled, "so cute..." He put me up on his back again and told me to hold onto his neck. I held on as told, squealing when he dropped to all fours suddenly. I buried my face in the furry mess of his neck and gripped onto him tightly as he began to run.

Dear Wolf
FantasyJust a Werewolf and his kitten. _I also have a copy of this story on my main account -Sam_