Chapter 1

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"I'm only trying to help!" My voice rose, my pitch dark eyes looking directly into his. I felt my eyes burning with unformed tears as my hands clenched at my side.

 "Well you're only making things worse. Go drink your alcohol and stop getting involved in things you can't understand."

I took a step back, so started at his sudden change in emotion. This was Edd, the one who was always happy and joking, yelling at me to get out of his face?

"Edd, you can't help Matt all by yourself. I just want to-""To what? Help? You never help! All you do is make things worse! If you had never been so mean to Tord we would be fine! We would be happy just like old times! Matt and I would be better off without you!"

My fault? All of this was my fault? Tord was the one who betrayed us! It was his fault more than anyone else's. I couldn't make Edd see that though. This would continue going on forever. Our friendship with each other was severed in too crooked of a line to be fit back together. Fine, if he wanted to play this game I could play along just fine.

"Fine. I never wanted to be a part of our stupid little adventures anyways, and apparently you've never needed me in them. I'm just the empty eyed freak no one wants to be friends with, at least not real friends." I took a step closer absentmindedly and jabbed a finger at his face, "I don't need friends."

Fine, if you want my room, take it.

"I don't need to live here anymore."

This place is too crowded anyways.

"I knew it was all an act. Our friendship. Whatever that means."

What am I doing?

"I wonder what Matt would do if he knew that you never actually loved him."

Stop Tom, stop.

"Go die Edd, your world would be better off without you."

Tears were forming in his eyes and I could see that he was regretting his own words already. I can't turn back now. I can't just say I'm sorry and make things right. I'd gone too far again.I didn't belong here anymore.

I turned and ran out the door. I didn't know why I had said anything. What was wrong with me?Maybe Edd and Matt were better off without me if I had to ability to say those words to my best friend without even thinking.There's something wrong with me.Everything is wrong with me. I'll never fit in anywhere else than the place I just left. No one accepts an eyeless, souless freak. No one accepts what I am.

Whatever I am.

When I at last stopped I realized I had run at least a mile from the house. The park rose up around me and fallen leaves crunched beneath my shoes. I felt oddly like I was being watched for a moment; my breath quickened and I looked around hurriedly. The park was close to empty, the evening already beginning to fall into night and I couldn't spot any but a few people.A woman and her child were walking through the park on the opposite sidewalk, two men talking to each other a ways ahead of them and a man reading a newspaper sitting on a bench. Geez who reads newspapers anymore?

There was nobody else save them and me in the park. Finally I found an unoccupied bench and sat down, burying my face in my hands and trying to control my breathing.I'm not sure how long I sat there. I tried not to think about it and at the same time try to figure out what I should do next.

Edd's look of regret continued to fog my mind and at last it was impossible to focus at all.

I need a drink.

As I began to walk for the nearest bar I saw the man who had been reading the newspaper walking behind me. At first I thought nothing of it, until I realized that he was following me.He held something up to his face for a moment, something that looked like some kind of radio or walkie-talkie. That's when I saw that he was talking into it and by reading his lips I saw what he was saying:

"Sir, I have eyes on one of the three you mentioned. I believe it's..."

My heart skipped a beat.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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