First Day

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September 17, 2000

"Heidi was just a simple girl but her classmates always bullies her

and her parent do not care about her"

Astefen Highschool

First Day of Class

"I am alredy experinced with the bullies.....And my parents do not even

care so why did they make me? anyways prepare for the start of another year!"

Heidi said

*She entered her room*

with a welcome of a crampled paper on her face

Look who's here!

The one who tries to fight back but loses

The bullies shouted "Weakling!!"

Heidi tries to ignore them as she sits on her place

"you will be okay Heidi" with a pat in the back

Jonathan said

Then the bullies throwed trash at her saying "What are you gonna do now? Cry? Loser!"

Heidi looked down sadly

 As Jonathan tried to protect her.

He said "Stop it just for this day please?"

"Stop protecting her you dumb rat!" the bully said

Jonathan tries to punch back the bully

but the bully doged his arm and punches him in the chest

As Jonathan gets awfully hurt

"What now rat? What a waste of time for fighting with you" the bully said

As the bullies walk away from the classroom

"Ill get you one day!" Jonathan said

"Calm down....thank for protecting me next time

let them hurt me" Heidi said

"Are you crazy?" Asked Jonathan

"I just want them to know that I can stand for myself" Heidi said

*Sigh* "Fine i will give it to you but if they go too hard tell me okay?" Jonathan said

"Okay fine..."Heidi said

Heidi went home and went to her bedroom, first day is finished

"well how am I going to prepare the bullies to fight with? I am a very weak girl

i have a protector but i let it away *sigh*" Is it gonna be like this forever?"

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