20 ways to annoy nudge

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20 ways to annoy nudge

1.put her in a room with gazzy

2.have gazzy sing the constipation song


4.when she wakes up say,

5."top o' the mo'nin' to ya."

6.ask her what she and iggy were doing last night

7.when she says nothing, say "uh huh, suuuuuure..."

8.walk off

9.for halloween, dress up as a mad scientist (or whitecoat)

10.give nudge a pack of condoms for her b-day

11.every year

12.every year, say the exact same thing, "oh sorry those were for iggy. oh my mistake, they're not."

13. book it after 12

14.blend into the shadows, and as nudge walks by, jump out

15. for a funnier effect, scream wildly and grab her

16.she'll flip

17.most likely max and fang for writing this

18.every time she comes into a room, say,

19."omg! it's the big bad wolf!" book it after.

and now...

for the one you've been waiting for...

the one...

the only...













20. tape her mouth shut. she'll go crazy, guaranteed.

this was probably the funniest one yet, don'cha think?

-max and fang

p.s. shhh, don't tell nudge!

20 ways to annoy nudge (by max and fang)Where stories live. Discover now