Thursday, May 9th

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Well let's just say my day started with me dying from the cold because my father put the AC to 73°; which for me is very cold. Literally everyone is like a portable heater for me, like during passing periods at school, if someone I know walks by me I'll just grab onto them and be like"WARM ME HOOMAN!" Honestly can anyone relate?

But on with my morning-

I took 15 minutes out of my daily routine just to pick out an all black outfit...why? I don't know you try figuring out my slow processing brain because I still haven't.

Well now it is 1st period, Anatomy and Physiology Honors..........I NEVER REMEMBER ANYTHING IN THIS CLASS AND I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S ME OR THE TEACHERS FAULT! I've sat in this class for a whole year now and I still don't know what I'm doing here, but let's not worry about that because I will still fail this class.
Bell-work is easy, if you wait long enough he will just give you the answer. My friend across from me has a box of chocolates and now I'm hungry even though I ate breakfast- WAIT! I didn't tell you about breakfast.

So normally I eat a chicken biscuit with orange juice which is my favorite breakfast. Don't worry they were serving it today and now I'm somewhat happy. I'm a happy potato now!

So anyone in school would know that it is May. Meaning it is testing season...I— I don't even know how I pass some of them but I try okay.
I have been given my first review packet, and it's nine pages. Not bad you would think BUT NO! It is in the smallest print possible and has about 8 whole units that took 3 weeks each to learn and the first page is due tomorrow. Good luck future me!

After that too short, 5 minute, can even walk to class and be on time so you are forced to run or just be late, passing period- I give you 2nd period- World History!

My teacher is absolutely an amazing teacher and the class is small and peaceful before the hell that comes after this class. You'll understand why later.
"Today we are discussing and reading about the Vietnam War and there will be questions at the end that is due at the end of class."
After doing my work~
It is 9:54 and I leave in 19 minutes so now I'm either texting people, scrolling through Instagram, or reading a fanfic. After this class ends I meet up with my friends including: Zoie, Gionna, and Daniella. My main 3. We all walk to our next classes, Gionna leaves first, then it's Zoie. Me and Daniella have the same class together so we talk about all the boiling hot tea from this morning before we walk into class and are forced to listen to a boring speech of how we all suck and will never pass the class if we don't shut up.
Don't you just love teachers will all your heart!

Ok so here's the reason why 3rd period is the start of my headache. It's a class full of freshman, the smol, annoying, loud, rude, always interrupting freshman's that I just have a pure hatred towards( if I'm not already friends with them or they are actually nice, there are a lot of nice p).
Also I just don't do anything in this class. Last time I checked I had a........wait I'll just show you.

And by the way, I only have that grade because I flanked a test

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And by the way, I only have that grade because I flanked a test. Which is normal, the grading system in school is just complicated and I'm just used to it.

Time skip~ (all we did in 3rd period was a speed review for our test tomorrow so we are moving on).

For 5th period we have English 1 Honors. I haven't been in this class for two days so I didn't know what we were doing in class and when I found out we were doing nothing I whipped out my Uno cards. I played with Daniella and another kid in my class, I won 2-3 surprisingly. Last time I played with Daniella I lost 4-9....we had a lot of free time to be able to play 9 rounds of Uno in class.

6th period is my ASL class where my teacher is actually deaf so learning is actually fun and interesting at the same time. We are starting our review for final the final and since I'm his 'favorite' he always likes to pick me first. Today I was not having it so I told him no in sign language and he disregarded what I had said thinking I was just shy or didn't know the answers, so eventually I go up and prove him wrong( I still needed help eventually but I did it okay) and went to my seat. Btw me and a friend of mine have this thing of just yelling in class, like okay the teacher is deaf he is not going to hear us but  he sees what we are doing and is still confused of why we do it. Honestly we are just having fun or just bored.

7th period is Vet Assisting 1. Now here is why I don't like this class anymore. My teacher is out on maternity leave and that.. heh leaves us with a stubborn old substitute that likes to have 10 minute conversations with students but then says none of us do our work. I have two friends in this class that are absolutely amazing and funny but also annoying at the same time. We fight all the time, maybe that's why no one likes us.....ANYWAY! We also played Uno and I won. I promise I don't play Uno everyday in class but it's like the last week before review and exams so let me be.

AND FINALLY 8th period-Customer Service.
Now if you don't already know what that means, it means I'm a teacher assistant and I help with grading and controlling the class. Today I was given a stack of paper to grade and turn in, it was 2 periods worth of work and about 3 different worksheets within that period.
Let me tell you that I have never seen myself so determined to finish grading that stack of paper. I had finished grading about 60- probably more- papers within 15 minutes. I've never been so proud of myself for actually doing my work for once! It only happened this way because I really wanted to go home and see my woofers.

Today wasn't that bad, I relaxed, hanged out with friends, won at Uno, and finished my work. Just wait for tomorrow now that I know I have testing and work is due.

A/n: IM NOT DEAD PERSON ON THE OTHER SCREEN! I haven't been on wattpad for like a year now. I really got bored today so I stared writing and this is the most I've written in 2 years. 1150 wow! That's not including this authors note but no one cares. Also I put the picture of me in all black to prove that I wasn't lying. Welp I- I have nothing else to say so bue bye?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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