Chapter 1

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Authors note

Hai. This is my first book so if it's bad sorreh. I know nothing about Area 51 (like anyone does) I just made all this up :)

Hunter Thornton

I love my job. I've not been doing it for long but I know for sure that I love it. Monday's are always hard for me. I'm not a morning person you see. never have been never will be. I'm currently still laid in bed when I should be getting ready. Finally, deciding that I should probably get up and start the day, I climb out of bed leaving it too look like a huge mess. I do my everyday morning routine which consists of getting in the shower, washing my face, applying a teeny bit of mascara and lipgloss and getting dressed. Pretty boring but if I did anything else then I'd be late for work. I grabbed a breakfast bar and headed out the door. I decided too walk today because it was quite a nice day to say it was 5am.i blasted The 1975 through my earphones and started the walk. As I started to get more into the more abandoned area of Nevada I started to regret waking. I wrapped my winter coat around my body to try and shield me from the crisp winter wind. As I was walking I started to get the feeling that someone was following me. I started to become very weary of my surroundings, you never know what's out here. Hugging my bag to my body I walked a little quicker now feeling very uncomfortable. I finally got to a road. it was a long road that disappeared into the distance. All of a sudden a car whizzed past me. That's odd. No-body ever comes down here, especially not this time on a morning. The car was a black racer car that had some fancy name that I couldn't pronounce. Deciding not to let it get to me I carried on walking. Your probably all wondering where I work. Well, I work in a place called Area 51. Never heard of it? No I wouldn't be surprised. It's a top secret military base but I think more of it. You see there has always been these rumours around that many years ago Area 51 supported development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapon systems. There also has been a few rumours about U.F.O's. That's what interests me the most. The fact that we could not be alone intrigues me. Personally I think that we are NOT alone. If there we can live on this world, why can't other things live on other worlds? Finally I came to the end of the long winding road. I was confused to where the car went. There is no other way then to come to Area 51. You can't turn around and there are no other roads. Maybe it was a ghost car. Hah, now that's another story. Anyway I decided to shake if off. Probably just me imagining things, it is early. 5:50. Right, 10 minutes to check in and get ready for work. I can do that. I got out all the I.d. I'd be needing to actually get into the base. After getting in I walk to the place where I would be all day. "Morning Hunter," one of my co-workers, James greeted.

"Morning," I replied. I had never been a huge fan of James. He just has that feeling that makes me nervous around him. As I got closer to my place I noticed my boss, Mr. Archer talking to a tall man. I walked up to them too see what the hell was going on. I've never come across anyone like this and I also get nervous when talking to my boss. This wasn't a good situation to be in.

"Ah Hunter you're here!" Mr. Archer almost shouted. He's oddly cheerful today. "This is your new co-worker!" He gestures towards the man stood next too him. That was when I turned around to get a good luck. He looked about the same age as me. About 20 or 21. His chestnut brown, curly hair was slightly pushed off his forehead with a very dirty looking bandana. His tall figure nearly made me have too look up to him but as seen as I'm very tall I didn't have too. As I studied his face I realised that he had the most piercing green eyes I've ever seen. He looked me in the eye and it felt like he was staring into my soul. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't good looking. We snapped out of the trance we were in as soon as Mr. Archer clears his throat.

"Hunter this is Harry, Harry Styles."

----------------------------------------------sorreh if it's too long or too short or too bad. Hah love ya byee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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