the beginning

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Harry couldn't help but stare at the big red letters in front of him GAME OVER it was only a few second before a small square about the size of his head appeared and text began to write itself into said square.

We regret to inform you that there has been several major glitches in your gaming experience and we apologize for the problems it has caused you [Harry potter].

Harry could blink in confusion for a few seconds before the box's text began to replace itself.

We have been made aware of the fact that you Player experience has been faulty as your game abilities didn't active and while you where playing hard mode the dursley models were from the heavilyabused!harry origin were in place dispite you playing the original story. We apologize deeply for the issues this has caused and have come to the conclusion that we should alow you compensation.

Harry flinched as the text box disappeared and several statuettes in his likeness rose from the darkness surrounding him and then the text box returned with new text.

We have unlocked the heavily-abused!harry for you and we now offer you the option of picking 5 origin paths as well as 5 permenant starting perks...would you like view the origin paths first? [Yes]   [No]

Harry paused again he was just murdered in cold blood by his uncle and now he was looking at some sort of game over screen like in one of those games Dudley played before quitting because the games 'cheated' Harry took a deep breath and thought for a moment he was in a game apparently and what ever beings that decided to do this had messed up some how are were repaying him...Harry took another calming breath before pressing [Yes].

The text box disappeared and the statues moved forward and stopped 4 feet away from Harry before the text box returned this time next to the statue.

Previous session played with: original!Harry

Description: original!Harry the first and one of the most bland versions has no noticeable positive traits other than a +2 to charms, transfiguration, and +5 to broom flight but has poor eyesight and has a 50% chance of being manipulated by Dumbledore.

Background: born to Lily and James potter with no particularly strong talents or skills and after the dark lord (Voldemort) attacked and killed his parents Dumbledore dropped off harry at the Dursley and left him too be molded into his weapon of the 'light'.

Harry blinked at the description and felt vaguely insulted but paused in his rebuttal as a smaller text box appeared in front of him.

To scroll wave your left hand to the right, left, or forward to scroll that direction.

Harry tried and slowly moved his left hand right causing the statue to move in that direction and after a moment a new slightly different Harry was in front of him and the description box changed to show its details.


Description: Sociopath!Harry a sociopath version of harry that has a severe case of sociopathy and due to this has +2 to charms, transfiguration, and +5 to broom flight, +3 intelligence, +4 charisma, +4 strength,  +2 dexterity, and +2 wisdom however like original!harry he has poor eyesight and he has poor impulse control which doesn't mesh well with his bloodlust.

Background: born to Lily and James potter with no particularly strong talents or skills and after the dark lord (Voldemort) attacked and killed his parents young harry was scarred mentally by the event and when Dumbledore left him at the dursley's the abuse only nurtured the condition.

Unlock? [Yes]   [No]

Harry swollowed thickly before pressing [No] which was followed by another swipe of his left hand.

This Harry had blood red hair and a set of horns on his head this odd addition was not alone however as there was also a set of wings and single spade tail on his shoulder blades and tail bone respectively.

Harry barely managed to glance at its title of Demon!harry  before another text box appeared in front of him.

The darker versions are on left hand side of you wish to see the neutral versions swipe forward or for the lighter versions swipe left none are in any particular order.

Harry waited till the text box disappeared before reading the Demon!harry information.


Description: Demon!harry due to his mother using a different ritual harry wasn't protected by death and was in fact protected by a demon and was turned into one this harry has +10 charisma, +2 wisdom,  +1 intelligence,  +4 strength and dexterity however he is weakened by holy objects and is weak to light spells.

Background: born to Lily and James potter when Voldemort attacked Lily was running out of time and instead of protecting harry with death she summoned a demon who protected harry but remained hidden until Lily died before rebounding the death curse at Voldemort killing him the demon then for his own amusement turned  harry into a demon and stored Lily's soul in his scar to act as a sort of conscious for the new demon before leaving  to see what would happen.

Unlock?  [Yes]       [No]

Harry hastily pressed [No] scrolled back to original!harry before rubbing his face this is insane just what is going on?

Harry paused a moment mabye he was just hallucinating while he was dying? That was definitely a possibility at this point.

Harry swiped forward and paused this harry had a calm look but said look was ruined by a large line of stitches that ran around one eye and both ends where hidden by his hairline Harry's eyes then drifted to the text box.


Description: madscientist!harry due to the trauma of seeing his mother die and the rebound death curse something inside harry snapped and he was filled with the urge to study all things especially how they work internally he has +30 intelligence, +15 wisdom but has poor eyesight and his impulse to study everything often leads him down a less than ethical path and he is very likely to fall into insanity.

Unlock?     [Yes]          [No]

Harry thought for a moment before pressing [Yes] harry almost jumped out of his skin when a ping sounded all around him before a text box appeared.

Congratulations you have unlocked madscientist!harry to play as madscientist!harry press play while on that statue.

And cut
I don't intend for him pick madscientist just yet I would like the opinions of you readers for other origin paths and perks as well as what path he should take please message me or leave a note on the story to tell me

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