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In the beginning we were merely toys. Nothing but little things to entertain children. We belonged to the children of the world bearers. They were neither male nor female, they're beings beyond our understanding. As the children grew so did their toys. Their toys evolved and developed. The toys started having their own thoughts and emotions. Not long after the world bearers faded into oblivion, because they gave their powers to their children. The children, Kalós and Kakó vowed to protect and maintain balance in the world.

Kakó caught a glimpse of the most beautiful being that was ever laid eyes on. Taking the form of a man, the male equivalent of one of their toys, Kakó fell for his one of his toys, and now his wife. They bore a child, Venatte. Everything went so well for the power of Kakó gave him the ability to obtain whatever he desires, he was able to give his family a great house, promised an amazing future that men envied.

One night as he was putting their daughter to bed, as his wife's scream echoed through the walls, bringing his feet to run down the stairs. a pool of her blood is covering their white floors. Her body was sprawled over the couch, lifeless and soaked with the red liquid. He scanned the room, and with a deep breath added all the clues together and knew immediately who it was. With a heavy heart, he took his daughter and returned to his true form. Giving his wife a worthy tomb, at a place only they knew.

"Kakó" Kalós said approaching him.

"They stole her from me, they're evil. They're no longer toys, they are their own being and I refuse to have them live." He growls.

"Brother.... We vowed to protect and maintain balance, we can't just destroy them"

"No... I refuse. I will not have my daughter live in that world of corrupted men." He says looking at the world and clenches his fist. "With my will I damn this world to dust, break their bones and ruin trust, blood be spilled let screams be heard, this my curse and holy word." He chants as the world starts to shake.

"No brother! You cannot do this. Hear my voice and gain wisdom, It's no longer you who wants to destroy this kingdom, with a heavy heart I cast you to be under, to be hidden from this world and be the lord of terror." Kalós says and the world stops shaking. A dark mist started spreading underneath the world and divides the realm of the world bearers, dividing the twins. Kakó, takes his daughter and now resides in Skotadi, collecting wairuas of the world and creating suasors, or servants of Skotadi and sending them back.

Kalós staying true to the vow, resided in the realm of the world bearers called Fos. The creation of more men and women continue through the years with Kalós' will, as the world remain under the protection of their parents' given power.

"Kalós...." Kakó says.

"Brother.... it was not my doing that brought you to what your realm came to be. It is rather pointless to keep on fighting as we do. It's been five years, brother, men learn to change"

"A fight is not what I came for, Kalós. I merely want Venatte to meet you."


"My daughter" He says, as Venatte steps out, and reveals herself to Kalós, eyes Gray and her skin as fair as her mother's skin. Her hair dark velvety and jet black as the sky in a starless night, and as dark as how one's soul can become.  " I do not wish to fight you any longer we are still a family Kalós, but I refuse to stop taking Wairuas down to Skotadi."

"Very well, I understand." Kalós replies.

"What is that father?" Venatte asks looking at the world.

"That is the world, little one." Kalós smiles.

"Can we go father? You sent Suasors there, don't you?" She asks.

"You're far too innocent to go, Venatte." Kakó replies.

"Please, father. Let me go?"

Kakó sighs crouching down to her height. "The world is not as it seems, My little one. It is filled with beings and horrors you won't understand. I don't want you to go through what I did. Your mother wouldn't want you to come there." He sighs.

"Who is my mother, father?" Venatte asks.

"She was beautiful. Beautiful is you are, little one." Kalós says.

"Alright I think we should go now." Kakó says.

"Father please? Can we stay, even just a little longer?" Venatte asks.

"My dear, we can't. I'm sorry, we must return to Skotadi, we are to listen to the reports of the suasors."

"But father, the world is right here... Can't we stay, father?"

"She could stay." Kalós says, taking the form of a woman, but remaining in her true size.


"Trust me brother, I can handle it."

"Very well...." Kakó sighs, looking at Venatte. "You're as beautiful as your mother...." Kakó smiles. "Speak my name when you wish to return to Skotadi, okay?"
"I believe she'll long for you in a short while, Brother, you need not worry. She'll be back in Skotadi sooner than you think."

"I understand father."

"Kalós..." Kakó stands up. "I forbid you to take my daughter to the world. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Brother." She replies, as Kakó returns to Skotadi.

Staying true to her word, Kalós merely told Venatte of stories of the elder days, and how the world came to be. Soon enough as Kalós predicted, Venatte spoke her father's name and returned to Skotadi where she stayed.


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